January 14, 1995 • 26m
Each planet is different. They are all different sizes – Pluto’s the smallest, and Jupiter’s the biggest. They come in a variety o...Read more
January 21, 1995 • 26m
When you push something, you’re using pressure. Pressure depends on two things – the power of the push and the area that’s being p...Read more
January 28, 1995 • 26m
A plant’s recipe for food has only three main ingredients: sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water. When plants make their food, they ...Read more
February 3, 1995 • 26m
We live on top of rocks – the Earth’s surface. There are three basic types of rocks — igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic — and ...Read more
February 10, 1995 • 26m
Energy can change forms. Your body changes the energy in food into energy you can use to do things. Dams turn the energy in fallin...Read more
February 17, 1995 • 26m
All living things have genes, which are like little sets of blueprints. Genes have information about the color of your eyes, the s...Read more
March 24, 1995 • 26m
About 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered in water, and almost all of that water has been around since the Earth formed billions...Read more
March 31, 1995 • 26m
Friction is a force that slows moving things down and turns the moving energy into heat energy. When two things rub together, like...Read more
April 7, 1995 • 26m
Don’t panic, but germs are all around you. Germs are bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungi, very small one-celled organisms. Your...Read more
April 14, 1995 • 26m
There are lots of different climates all over the world. Deserts are warm and dry. Temperate forests are cold and wet. Tropical ra...Read more
April 21, 1995 • 26m
Energy, things like light, heat, and sound, moves in waves. You’ve probably seen waves in the ocean, or ripples when you throw a r...Read more
April 28, 1995 • 26m
There’s an amazing amount of living things in the ocean. There are fish, sharks, flowers, whales, squid, sea plants, sea anemones,...Read more
September 8, 1995 • 26m
Mammals - They're (sometimes) big, they're hairy, and they're warm-blooded. From human being to moose and from cats to rats, Bill ...Read more
September 15, 1995 • 26m
A lot of things spin – bike wheels, footballs, hard disks in your computer, and even the Earth – they’re all twirling around. Spin...Read more
September 22, 1995 • 26m
More than 22,000 different species of fish live in the oceans, lakes, and rivers of the world. Fish come in all shapes and sizes. ...Read more
September 29, 1995 • 26m
Transportation is all about moving people and their things. You can transport yourself around using your feet, a bike, a car, a tr...Read more
October 6, 1995 • 26m
Wetlands are not just home to different animals and plants, but they also control flooding and help keep the Earth’s water clean. ...Read more
October 13, 1995 • 26m
Scientists believe that birds evolved from reptiles. Birds have backbones, and they lay eggs, but they’ve developed a unique featu...Read more
October 20, 1995 • 26m
Populations need a couple of basic things to survive – food and a place to live. When two or more populations of living things are...Read more
October 27, 1995 • 26m
Some animals have wings that let them fly and hover. Other animals have legs, from two to more than 200, to get them walking, gall...Read more