January 11, 1984 • 1h
Arthur persuades Terry into donning his boxing gloves once more. Meanwhile, 'Dirty Harry' lives up to his name when he sells Arthur's council flat.
January 18, 1984 • 1h
When a wealthy garage owner's wife dies he retires and leaves the business to his children, while he hires Terry as a bodyguard to...Read more
January 25, 1984 • 1h
Terry is helping out a local gangster as a driver when they come back to the flat of his mistress and find that she has been robbe...Read more
February 1, 1984 • 1h
Arthur joins up with legendary con artist J.J. Mooney, in a racing scam. They hire a postal address and Terry gets to mind three p...Read more
February 8, 1984 • 1h
When an unscrupulous builder wants a piece of land that is occupied by a local car dealer he hires a gang of thugs to move him out...Read more
February 15, 1984 • 1h
Arthur is tricked by a young Australian girl into helping find her boyfriend who has gone missing, with her share of some fraudulent loot.
February 22, 1984 • 1h
Terry protects a rock star who has faked his death. His manager and producer want a share of the profits from his last record. For...Read more
February 29, 1984 • 1h
Arthur gets in on a deal to provide a hotel with provisions. Terry helps out a young girl from Liverpool who wants to be a model b...Read more
March 7, 1984 • 1h
Arthur tries a new scheme in keep fit fashion, opening an aerobics studio. Terry disrupts his plans when he intercedes in a lovers' quarrel.
March 14, 1984 • 1h
When an illegal bookie threatens a customer who owes him money, the customer collapses and dies of a heart attack. Arthur, who is ...Read more
March 21, 1984 • 1h
When Arthur tries to sell some fake dresses to a fashion agent, he refuses, but offers Terry a job guarding his warehouse. Having ...Read more