Season 3: Web-Warriors (2014)

The Return of the Guardians of the Galaxy

July 6, 2014 • 22m

The Guardians of the Galaxy land on Earth to repair their ship at the same time ex-Nova Corps member Titus leads the Chitauri into...Read more

The Avenging Spider-Man

August 31, 2014 • 43m

Spider-Man's dream of joining the Avengers becomes a nightmare when Loki switches bodies with the web-slinger, turning his new tea...Read more

Agent Venom

September 7, 2014 • 22m

While trying to become a crime fighter, Flash Thompson gets permanently bonded with Venom. It's up to Spider-Man to rescue his one...Read more

Cloak & Dagger

September 14, 2014 • 22m

Spider-Man wants to recruit Cloak and Dagger as new warriors for his S.H.I.E.L.D. team. Complicating the matter, however, are Dorm...Read more

The Next Iron Spider

September 21, 2014 • 22m

Science genius Amadeus Cho proves perfect to operate the Iron Spider armor. The only trouble is he's Peter Parker's class rival.

The Vulture

September 28, 2014 • 22m

A mysterious thief known as The Vulture has been causing trouble. Spider-Man decides to track him down, and discovers he's a young...Read more

The Savage Spider-Man

October 7, 2014 • 22m

Spider-Man accompanies Wolverine to the Savage Land to recruit Ka-Zar and his pet smilodon Zabu. During this time, they discover a...Read more

Halloween Night at the Museum

October 10, 2014 • 22m

The cast of "Jessie" gets animated in this special crossover episode that finds the Manhattan nanny in possession of a medieval sw...Read more

New Warriors

October 14, 2014 • 22m

Now that the other young heroes have been assembled, Spider-Man must lead them into defending the Tri-Carrier from the Thunderbolt...Read more

Nightmare on Christmas

December 3, 2014 • 22m

Spider-Man sees what the world would be like without him when Nightmare takes the web-slinger on a journey through his past, present, and future.

The Spider-Verse (1)

March 5, 2015 • 22m

Spider-Man learns that the Green Goblin is planning to travel across the Multiverse using the Siege Perilous he stole from S.H.I.E...Read more

The Spider-Verse (2)

March 12, 2015 • 22m

While chasing Green Goblin across the Multiverse, Spider-Man arrives in the Marvel Noir universe where he helps Spider-Man Noir re...Read more

The Spider-Verse (3)

March 19, 2015 • 22m

As Spider-Man continues chasing Green Goblin across the Multiverse, he lands in a medieval-based world where he helps Spyder-Knigh...Read more

The Spider-Verse (4)

March 26, 2015 • 22m

After Spider-Man finally ends up back in his own universe, he finds Green Goblin has injected himself with the Spider-Men DNA from...Read more

S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy

July 7, 2015 • 22m

The S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy has been opened up at the Triskelion by Nick Fury as Spider-Man's group gets their education from Mr. Fra...Read more

The Rampaging Rhino

July 14, 2015 • 22m

When Rhino learns that his archenemy Flash has become a hero, he starts a bitter rampage through New York. Spider-Man and Agent Ve...Read more


July 21, 2015 • 22m

Nick Fury has been infected by nanite versions of Doctor Octopus' Octo-Bots. While the others face off against Doctor Octopus, Spi...Read more

Burrito Run

July 28, 2015 • 22m

Craving Mexican food following an entire day training with Hawkeye, Spider-Man, Power Man, and Squirrel Girl sneak out of the Tris...Read more


August 4, 2015 • 22m

Following Spider-Man's fight with Molten Man, the Inhumans have declared war on Manhattan as Nick Fury blames the exchange student...Read more

Attack of the Synthezoids

September 19, 2015 • 22m

Arnim Zola resurfaces and starts replacing Spider-Man's fellow students with synthezoid versions of themselves.

The Revenge of Arnim Zola

September 26, 2015 • 22m

With most of his fellow students replaced with synthezoids, Spider-Man must work with Agent Venom and Rhino to rescue their classm...Read more

Contest of Champions (1)

October 3, 2015 • 22m

The Collector and the Grandmaster capture Spider-Man, along with every hero, villain and citizen of New York to play a game that w...Read more

Contest of Champions (2)

October 10, 2015 • 22m

The Collector and the Grandmaster's game continues as Spider-Man teams up with members from the Avengers and the Agents of S.M.A.S...Read more

Contest of Champions (3)

October 17, 2015 • 22m

Spider-Man has to change the rules of The Grandmaster's game to save the citizens of New York and prevent the villains from taking over Earth.

Contest of Champions (4)

October 24, 2015 • 22m

Spider-Man fights side-by-side with The Collector in an attempt to free all of Earth's heroes and villains from the Grandmaster an...Read more