November 14, 1991 • 25m
In a darkened control room, Eldritch and Brown watch a map on a computer screen. To Brown's concern, the computer selects a schoo...Read more
November 21, 1991 • 25m
It is the night that the children will take home their new Abyss computers - will Eldrich succeed in his plans? As Olivia enters ...Read more
December 5, 1991 • 25m
Outside in the playground, one of the schoolchildren accidentally drops his computer. Olivia screams, and rushes out of the car t...Read more
December 12, 1991 • 25m
With Eldrich gone, things should be getting back to normal, right? Well, they would be, if it weren't for the mysterious arrival o...Read more
December 19, 1991 • 25m
Thomas and Marcie discover they are not in an ancient tomb but in some form of underground installation. Pendragon, Inga and thei...Read more
December 19, 1991 • 25m
Inga and her guards leave the control room and head up to the surface. Thomas meanwhile spots a ladder running up the shaft the B...Read more