April 6, 2009 • 44m
Andrew and Julie loved their house from the moment they saw it being built. Now that they have three kids, their family has outgro...Read more
April 20, 2009 • 44m
Eric and Kim tried to make their house function for their family, but after renovation costs soared, they started looking for alte...Read more
April 27, 2009 • 44m
Rod and Jennifer got married and quickly started having kids. With three kids in just over three years, they didn't have time to c...Read more
June 23, 2009 • 44m
Rob and Kim decided they were ready to start a family, and they needed a bigger house to do so. When life didn't go according to p...Read more
July 18, 2009 • 44m
Andy and Helen searched through hundreds of houses to find a feng shui, mother-in-law approved home. They have lived in their hous...Read more
July 18, 2009 • 44m
Andy and Parveen were recently married, but don't live under the same roof. Each of them has two children, but neither of them has...Read more
July 18, 2009 • 44m
Gerard, Laka and their son Adonai live in a small home. At 6 feet tall, Gerard realized he made a mistake when they moved in. The ...Read more
September 21, 2009 • 44m
Chris and Stephanie bought what looks like the perfect home, but once inside problems are everywhere. After five years, and having...Read more
September 28, 2009 • 44m
Chris and Petria bought their small house for its location, energy and character. But after having kids and adapting a vegan lifes...Read more
October 5, 2009 • 44m
Lee and Erin are passionate about art, and they needed wall space to showcase their paintings. So, they bought a modern home in a ...Read more
October 19, 2009 • 44m
Doug and Ellie rented for over two decades. Then, when they were able to buy a home, they made a quick decision. With two children...Read more
October 26, 2009 • 44m
Mom Natalie and son Brandon have lived in their small home since Brandon was little, but now that he's older, they need more priva...Read more
November 2, 2009 • 44m
John and Rebecca quickly bought their first home before having their first child, but now that they want to have another child, th...Read more
November 9, 2009 • 44m
Episode 14 of Season 2 premiered on November 9, 2009
November 16, 2009 • 44m
Episode 15 of Season 2 premiered on November 16, 2009