September 30, 2018 • 23m
Convinced she's met the love of her life, Tina decides to disguise herself as a boy and sneak into the Boyz 4 Now auditions to fin...Read more
October 7, 2018 • 23m
Desperate for the grand prize dune buggy at their local arcade, Louise, Tina and Gene devise a master plan, with the help of Mr. F...Read more
October 14, 2018 • 23m
Tina, Louise, and Gene get a taste of business when they join the school's Tweentrepeneurs club. Back at the restaurant, Bob and L...Read more
October 21, 2018 • 23m
The kids set out for their regular Halloween shenanigans, but when everyone's candy bags start mysteriously disappearing, it's up ...Read more
November 4, 2018 • 23m
The kids learn the dangers of revenge when their plan to get back at the school guidance counselor gets them entangled in a deep r...Read more
November 11, 2018 • 23m
Bob agrees to drive professional quilter Edith around town, after she convinces him to join in a plot for revenge. Meanwhile, the ...Read more
November 18, 2018 • 23m
The Belchers set out to save a turkey from a trip to the slaughterhouse, but when a local reporter catches wind of their schemes, ...Read more
November 25, 2018 • 23m
Gene is livid when his best friend, Alex, ditches him to be Courtney's roller-dancing partner. Meanwhile, Teddy, Linda and Bob let...Read more
December 2, 2018 • 23m
Tina and her new science partner create a device that allows them to communicate with aliens, but their excitement turns to fear w...Read more
December 9, 2018 • 23m
The battle is on when some angsty teenagers take over Louise, Gene and Tina's usual sledding territory, inciting an epic turf war....Read more
January 6, 2019 • 23m
Linda's new friend introduces her to essential oils and Aunt Gayle is convinced she must be rescued. Meanwhile, Bob and Teddy are ...Read more
January 13, 2019 • 23m
The Belchers make it their mission to help Teddy get his dream girl, but Tina is convinced she's found a better match for him.
February 10, 2019 • 23m
A Valentine's Day fight between Bob and Linda has the kids feeling confused. After a failed attempt to see a movie, it's up to Tin...Read more
February 17, 2019 • 23m
Tina, discouraged by not being asked to prom by Jimmy Jr., forms an unhealthy attachment to a goose from the nearby park. Meanwhil...Read more
March 3, 2019 • 23m
Things get out of hand when Louise wins a contest to be Principal for a Day. Meanwhile, Teddy attempts to help Bob when he suddenl...Read more
March 10, 2019 • 23m
The family forces workaholic Bob to take a much-needed day off, only for him to wind up working at a local sandwich shop. Meanwhil...Read more
March 17, 2019 • 23m
Gene convinces Tina and Louise to help him save a misunderstood plankton blob from being destroyed by a yacht club.
March 24, 2019 • 23m
The kids visit a marionette theater for a school field trip and Louise gets on the theater owner's bad side.
April 7, 2019 • 23m
Bob meets his personal hero - a renegade radio DJ who refuses to compromise. However, the Belchers get in over their heads when th...Read more
April 28, 2019 • 23m
When the kids have to run a mandatory mile for school on free-ice-cream-day, they hatch an elaborate plot to sneak away. Meanwhile...Read more
May 5, 2019 • 23m
Linda attempts to become more involved with the P.T.A., inspired by its seemingly perfect president, Joanne. Meanwhile, Bob tries ...Read more
May 12, 2019 • 23m
When Zeke gets in trouble, the Belcher kids and Jimmy Jr. pitch in to help prevent him from being sent to a disciplinary school. H...Read more