November 10, 1989 • 22m
Games performed: Authors, Film and Theatre Styles, Songstyles, World's Worst, Rap, Explanations, American Musical
November 17, 1989 • 22m
Games performed: Authors, Film and Theatre Styles, World's Worst, Sound Effects, Songstyles, Party Quirks
November 24, 1989 • 22m
Games performed: Authors, Film and Theatre Styles, World's Worst, Props, Remote Control, Sound Effects
December 8, 1989 • 22m
Games performed: Authors, Film and Theatre Styles, Songstyles, World's Worst, Props, Party Quirks, American Musical
December 15, 1989 • 22m
Games performed: Authors, Tag, Expert, World's Worst, Props, Party Quirks, Remote Control
December 22, 1989 • 22m
Games performed: Authors, Film and Theatre Styles, Interview, World's Worst, Props, Film Dub, Party Quirks
December 22, 1989 • 37m
Christmas Special. Games performed: Authors, Film and Theatre Styles, Songstyles, Rap, Party Quirks, World's Worst, Props, Musical Producers
January 5, 1990 • 22m
Games performed: Film and Theatre Styles, Songstyles, World's Worst, Props, Film Dub, Party Quirks, American Musical
January 12, 1990 • 22m
Games performed: Authors, Film and Theatre Styles, Props, Sound Effects, Interview, Film Dub, Party Quirks
January 20, 1990 • 22m
Games performed: Authors, That Will Be Charlie Now, Film Dub, Songstyles, World's Worst, Props, Rap, Party Quirks, American Musical
January 26, 1990 • 22m
Games performed: Film and Theatre Styles, Film Dub, Songstyles, World's Worst, Props, Party Quirks, Musical Producers
February 9, 1990 • 22m
Games performed: Authors, Film and Theatre Styles, World's Worst, Props, Film Dub, Tag, Party Quirks
February 16, 1990 • 22m
Games performed: Film and Theatre Styles, Songstyles, World's Worst, Rap, Party Quirks, Advertisement, American Musical
February 23, 1990 • 22m
Games performed: Authors, Film and Theatre Styles, Interview, World's Worst, Props, Film Dub, Party Quirks
March 2, 1990 • 22m
Games performed: Authors, Film and Theatre Styles, Songstyles, World's Worst, Party Quirks, Rock Opera
March 9, 1990 • 22m
Games performed: Film and Theatre Styles, Duet, That Will Be Charlie Now, Interview, Rap, Songstyles, Party Quirks, Film Dub, Musical Producers
March 16, 1990 • 22m
Games performed: Film and Theatre Styles, Duet, Tag, Interview, Rap, Songstyles, Props, Film Dub, Party Quirks, American Musical