Season 1 (2010)

150 Years Later

March 10, 2010 • 30m

The Girls arrive as living ghosts. Because they lived in the Victorian times, they are not used to the 21st century and talk and a...Read more

Dying to Belong

March 11, 2010 • 30m

Still attempting to settle into life as 'living ghosts' the sisters begin to discover the modern advantages to their new environme...Read more

Sisters In The Mind

March 12, 2010 • 30m

Rebecca wants to become a player for the Girl's basketball team, but does not know how to play and goes to ask Hazel for help, but...Read more


March 12, 2010 • 30m

Hazel learns that her old friend who she used to sing with was sent to jail and sets out to prove him innocent but it ends up as a...Read more

Law of the Jungle

March 16, 2010 • 30m

Sophie finds out that her best friend Charlie and some other people too are being bullied into doing someone's homework and when S...Read more


March 17, 2010 • 30m

Episode 6 of Season 1 premiered on March 17, 2010

Hazel's Tree

March 18, 2010 • 30m

Hazel is distraught to learn that a peppercorn tree that she planted with her mother as a young girl is to be torn down to make wa...Read more

Reliving History

March 19, 2010 • 30m

It is a day at Ainsbury High that acts out life 150 years ago. This pleases the girls. It is also Sophies Birthday. Christine and ...Read more

A Friend Indeed

March 22, 2010 • 30m

Episode 9 of Season 1 premiered on March 22, 2010

Grendels Cold

March 23, 2010 • 30m

Grendel gets a cold and calles it bob.When the students go on holiday apart from Rebecca, Sophie and Hazel only for them to discov...Read more

Smoke And Mirrors

March 24, 2010 • 30m

Episode 11 of Season 1 premiered on March 24, 2010

Love First Kiss

March 25, 2010 • 30m

Episode 12 of Season 1 premiered on March 25, 2010

Old Ghosts

March 25, 2010 • 30m

Sophie is upset to hear that the old stables is to be knocked down. An old ghost is unleashed who proceeds to possess her. But Sop...Read more