September 23, 2002 • 1h
This episode featured six celebrity contestants competing for charity. The winner would receive $50,000 for their charity, and th...Read more
September 30, 2002 • 1h
Stunt #1: Counter Balance Beam Contestants would have to release up to 12 flags from the edges of an 8-foot by 24-foot see-saw p...Read more
October 7, 2002 • 1h
Stunt #1: Traverse the Dam Suspended high over a dam was a 350-foot long tightrope with flags attached. Contestants would have ...Read more
October 14, 2002 • 1h
Stunt #1: Sage Coach Drag Contestants would start out holding onto a cargo net being dragged behind a covered wagon pulled by tw...Read more
October 21, 2002 • 1h
Stunt #1: Speedboat to Helicopter Ladder Contestants would be riding on the back of a speedboat as a helicopter flew overhead. ...Read more
October 28, 2002 • 1h
Stunt #1: Triple Beam Walk High above the ground, contestants would have to walk three 40-foot long beams which were only 3½ inc...Read more
November 5, 2002 • 1h
Stunt #1: Burning Building Contestants would have to climb a ladder and enter on the fourth floor of a firefighter training towe...Read more
November 11, 2002 • 1h
Stunt #1: Helicopter Flag Snag Contestants would have to hang from a helicopter skit and drop into the water below as the helico...Read more
November 18, 2002 • 1h
Stunt #1: Dog Attack Contestants would have to make their way through an urban assault training building and press buttons to ra...Read more
December 2, 2002 • 1h
Stunt #1: Drowning Closet Contestants would be locked inside a Plexiglas cell as it filled with water. They would have to find ...Read more
December 9, 2002 • 1h
This was a Christmas-themed episode. Stunt #1: Scooter Plank Contestants would have to ride a motorized scooter across a 60-foo...Read more
January 6, 2003 • 1h
Stunt #1: Inverted Helicopter Contestants would be bound by their ankles and hung upside-down beneath a helicopter. They would ...Read more
January 13, 2003 • 1h
Stunt #1: Barrel Rolling Over seven stories high, contestants would have to stand on top of a large plastic pipe and use their f...Read more
January 20, 2003 • 1h
Stunt #1: Spin Cycle Contestants would have to climb a rope ladder hanging from a spinning girder and cross monkey bars from one...Read more
January 27, 2003 • 1h
This episode had a snow theme to go along with NBC's Blizzard Monday. Stunt #1: Ferris Wheel Contestants would have to run on t...Read more
February 3, 2003 • 1h
This was a special all-gross episode. Stunt #1: Bobbing in Blood Contestants would have to bob for plastic rings in a vat conta...Read more
February 4, 2003 • 1h
This was an all-female episode. Stunt #1: Vertical Two Square The ladies would have to traverse two sides of a rotating square-...Read more
February 10, 2003 • 1h
This episode featured four couples competing as teams. Stunt #1: Save Your Spouse One person would be locked in a Plexiglas box...Read more
February 17, 2003 • 1h
Stunt #1: Flatbed to Flatbed As a semi truck hauling two flatbed trailers drove down a runway at 35 miles per hour, contestants wo...Read more
February 22, 2003 • 1h
This 30-minute clip show had highlights from animal stunts featured in the first three seasons of Fear Factor. Clips included wor...Read more
February 24, 2003 • 1h
Stunt #1: Helicopter Boat Drag Contestants would be riding on a raft towed behind a speedboat as a helicopter flew overhead. Th...Read more
March 3, 2003 • 1h
This was an extended 4-stunt episode. Stunt #1: Helicopter Slalom Contestants would have to hang by their ankles from trapeze h...Read more
March 10, 2003 • 1h
This episode featured six contestants competing in Las Vegas. The winner would have to bet half the $50,000 on a hand of blackjac...Read more
March 24, 2003 • 1h
This episode featured six Miss USA 2003 contestants competing for $50,000. The winner would keep half her money and donate the oth...Read more
April 5, 2003 • 1h
Go behind the scenes of making the Las Vegas episode, including how the stunts are tested, who thinks of those yummy treats, and p...Read more
April 7, 2003 • 1h
Stunt #1: Go Cart Chicken Contestants would have to race a go-kart down a track suspended over 100 feet in the air. They would ...Read more
April 28, 2003 • 1h
This semi-final round featured twelve of this season's 24 winners. The two contestants remaining at the end of this episode would ...Read more
May 5, 2003 • 1h
This semi-final round featured the other twelve of this season's 24 winners. The two contestants remaining at the end of this epi...Read more
May 12, 2003 • 1h
Grand finale of the Fear Factor Championship Stunt #1 (Underwater hallway) Contestants would have to swim the length of a 50-fo...Read more
May 19, 2003 • 1h
In this season finale episode, Joe Rogan counts down the top 15 Fear Factor moments from the past three seasons in front of a live audience.