May 4, 1980 • 30m
Eddie Booth argues with his yet to be supervisor and stays as a lodger.
May 11, 1980 • 30m
The boys go drinking, their dinners get burnt and are served for breakfast.
May 18, 1980 • 30m
Joyce Smith and Bernard Smith go to Figi. Jim Lawson hits Eddie Booth in thew head.
May 25, 1980 • 30m
Jim Lawson creates a cross breed between a rose and a tulip.
May 7, 1979 • 30m
Eddie Booth meets Jim Lawson's ex wife Liz.
June 8, 1980 • 30m
Eddie Booth forms a workers union and Jim Lawson does not like it.
May 21, 1979 • 30m
Eddie Booth meets the Vica for a cricket match.