January 21, 1998 • 45m
Lochley takes command of Babylon 5 and Byron petitions her for asylum aboard the station. An assassin pledges to kill Sheridan at his inauguration.
January 28, 1998 • 45m
Londo collapses from a heart attack, and must battle with his guilt in a dream state. Delenn learns that Lennier is planing to lea...Read more
February 4, 1998 • 45m
A small world plagued by raiders begs the alliance for help. Garibaldi tries forming an intelligence unit of telepaths.
February 11, 1998 • 45m
We see the action from the viewpoint of two maintenance workers as a race of savage aliens attacks the station.
February 18, 1998 • 45m
Four rangers come from Minbar with a status report to Delenn, while a Downbelow racketeer decides it's time to get rid of Zack.
February 25, 1998 • 45m
Bester arrives at the station to arrest the Downbelow telepaths, and Londo barely escapes an assassination attempt when the ship h...Read more
March 4, 1998 • 45m
As more telepaths arrive at the station, the denizens of Downbelow start taking notice. Tensions build until one of the telepaths ...Read more
March 11, 1998 • 45m
The Brakiri buy a part of Babylon 5 for a religious ceremony where the dead are supposed to return. Comedians Rebo and Zooty arriv...Read more
March 18, 1998 • 45m
Londo starts to suspect that all is not right on Centauri Prime, when a good friend is murdered. On Babylon 5, Byron tries to forc...Read more
March 25, 1998 • 45m
The telepaths have barred themselves inside an area of Downbelow, and their telepathic tricks force Lochley to ask Bester for help...Read more
April 1, 1998 • 45m
More bloodhound units arrive and the fight with the violent faction of Byron's followers intensifies until the rogues seize Medlab...Read more
April 8, 1998 • 45m
It looks like the Alliance will get a break in the investigation of the recent shipping line attacks, when a possible witness may ...Read more
April 15, 1998 • 45m
A telepath murders his roommate and escapes on a ship bound for Babylon 5. Bester is given the job of capturing him, and brings al...Read more
May 27, 1998 • 45m
Delenn reassigns Lennier to a Ranger training mission on the border of Centauri space, hoping he can find some proof regarding the...Read more
June 3, 1998 • 45m
Lennier investigates Centauri signals that may be connected to the attacks. Lyta tries to continue Byron's dream of finding a home...Read more
June 10, 1998 • 45m
The evidence collected against the Centauri is presented to the council of the Interstellar Alliance, and a boycott against the Ce...Read more
June 17, 1998 • 45m
Sheridan finally authorizes the White Star fleet to participate in the war. Delenn travels to Minbar to start a Minbari-Earth join...Read more
October 28, 1998 • 45m
As Centauri Prime is being bombarded, the Drakh, the real masters behind the war, reveal themselves to Londo. They force him to go...Read more
November 4, 1998 • 45m
Earth Force orders the arrest of Lyta for financing terrorism against the PSI Corps. Sheridan confronts Garibaldi about his drinki...Read more
November 11, 1998 • 45m
Tessa Holloran, former Number One of the Mars resistance, arrives with a warning for Lise and Michael: an assassin has been hired ...Read more
November 18, 1998 • 45m
It is near the end of 2262, and many changes are abound. Londo, G'Kar and Garibaldi have already left, and Franklin will be taking...Read more
November 25, 1998 • 45m
Twenty years after his death and resurrection at Z'ha'dum, Sheridan feels his life force ebbing away, and invites some old friends...Read more