November 6, 1995 • 45m
An Earth Force investigator comes to Babylon 5 with Lt. Keffer's last recording, asking the ambassadors if they recognize the ship...Read more
November 13, 1995 • 45m
A bomber is loose on Babylon 5; setting of bombs with seemingly no pattern. G'Kar blames the Centauri, Londo blames the Narn - and...Read more
November 20, 1995 • 45m
The new Centauri appointed Narn government send a replacement for G'Kar, while an alien probe threatens to destroy Babylon 5 unles...Read more
November 27, 1995 • 45m
One of the monks starts having disturbing visions and realizes that his past may not be how he remembers it. Meanwhile, Lyta cause...Read more
January 29, 1996 • 45m
Delenn decides it's time to try to contact some of the first ones and enlists the help of Draal, while Babylon 5 is assigned a political officer.
February 5, 1996 • 45m
Bester comes to the station to track down a dealer of Dust - an illegal drug that gives normal people temporary telepathic powers....Read more
February 12, 1996 • 45m
Marcus starts snooping around Downbelow when some of his contacts start behaving unusually and a lurker is found dead with a stran...Read more
February 22, 1996 • 45m
An archaeologist arrives at Babylon 5 with a grave massage: a dormant Shadow ship has been found on Ganymede. It must be destroyed...Read more
February 26, 1996 • 45m
Clark has just declared martial law, and while Nightwatch prepare to take control of the station, Zack has to decide whose side he...Read more
April 1, 1996 • 45m
The renegade destroyer "Alexander" arrives at Babylon 5 and Sheridan is forced to announce the station's secession from the Earth ...Read more
April 8, 1996 • 45m
Delenn prepares for a ceremony of rebirth, the station's computer goes through an interesting change, Londo "encourages" Refa to s...Read more
April 15, 1996 • 45m
Vir returns to Babylon 5 to find that he now has a wife and that two Narns are out for his blood. Meanwhile, Ivanova investigates ...Read more
April 22, 1996 • 45m
A mysterious man comes to Babylon 5 dressed in chainmail and armed with a sword. His name? King Arthur - Son of Uther Pendragon, c...Read more
April 29, 1996 • 45m
Bester comes to Babylon 5, this time seeking help against a common enemy - the Shadows. Meanwhile, G'Kar demands to be included in the War Council.
May 6, 1996 • 45m
Morden returns to secure Londo's cooperation again, Garibaldi confronts Franklin about the stims, and Kosh gives Sheridan a victor...Read more
May 16, 1996 • 45m
Ivanova gets a distress call from herself pleading for help as the Shadows destroy Babylon 5. It is dated eight days into the futu...Read more
May 23, 1996 • 45m
While Sheridan is unstuck in time, seeing a glimpse of a future Centauri Prime in ruins, the others continue with their plan to ta...Read more
August 18, 1996 • 45m
The new Vorlon ambassador arrives, Sheridan decides it's time to test just how effective telepaths are against the Shadow ships, a...Read more
September 1, 1996 • 45m
Garibaldi investigates an area where a maintenance worker disappeared and finds a whole floor that was forgotten after constructio...Read more
September 8, 1996 • 45m
Londo forces Vir to participate in a plan to kill G'Kar. Sheridan struggles with figuring out the Shadows' tactics.
September 15, 1996 • 45m
With the Shadows next target known, a massive counterattack is prepared. Ivanova and Marcus scout ahead in the White Star, while t...Read more
September 22, 1996 • 45m
After he has recovered from the shock of seeing her, Anna gives Sheridan an ultimatum - come to Z'ha'dum with her, or never know w...Read more