February 21, 1993 • 30m
College freshman Morisato Keiichi gets more than he bargained for wen he goes dialing for dinner and gets an unexpected delivery -...Read more
May 21, 1993 • 30m
Five months have passed since Morisato Keiichi dialed out for dinner and got a goddess instead, but he still hasn't managed to put...Read more
September 21, 1993 • 30m
It's really lonely up in the heavens without your big sisters to keep you company, especially when that means you are stuck with t...Read more
December 28, 1993 • 30m
Keiichi's life finally seems to be getting back to normal (or at least as normal as life gets when you live in a temple with 3 god...Read more
May 17, 1994 • 40m
You'd think with a goddess as a girlfriend, Keiichi's life would be Heaven, but the fact is, it's coming to resemble the other aft...Read more