October 1, 1991 • 15m
Episode 1 of Season 3 premiered on October 1, 1991
October 8, 1991 • 15m
Mrs Trout writes, directs and stars in the school play. But will everything be alright on the night? Not likely with Bodger and Badger about.
October 15, 1991 • 15m
Badger decides to enter Mrs Trout's poetry competition.
October 22, 1991 • 15m
Mr Valentino, the school governor, comes to the school to tell Mrs Trout that Miss Moon is to be awarded a prize for not missing a...Read more
October 29, 1991 • 15m
Miss Moon gets a thump on the head and a new view of life but all Mrs Trout gets is mash in the mush.
November 5, 1991 • 15m
As Mrs Trout has been sent back to teacher's school to learn how to read, the new headmistress arrives, and brings along her loath...Read more
November 12, 1991 • 15m
Mrs Bogart and Simon set up a communications system for the school.
November 19, 1991 • 15m
Mrs Bogart is determined to make Class 4 sit a difficult test. However with so many interruptions (mostly from Bodger who is tryin...Read more
November 26, 1991 • 15m
The Head will stop at nothing to get hold of Simon's competition winnings, even posing as her own hard-up identical twin sister!
December 3, 1991 • 15m
Miss Moon has agreed to look after her neighbour's baby for the day.
December 10, 1991 • 15m
Episode 11 of Season 3 premiered on December 10, 1991
December 17, 1991 • 15m
Badger is having a bath because it's time for the class photograph. When the photographer is cancelled, Miss Moon asks Simon to help out.