January 1, 2018
“You know what the answer to racism is? You start with the true history of the world in the Bible. There is only one race, we are ...Read more
January 8, 2018
Join AiG founder and president, Ken Ham, as he gets to the heartbeat of Answers in Genesis’ ministry at Australia’s reEngage confe...Read more
January 15, 2018
There are only two starting points—God’s Word and man’s word. Whether we start with God’s or man’s word determines our entire worl...Read more
January 22, 2018
“But we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness,” 1 Corinthians 1:23 The entire west...Read more
January 29, 2018
Watch Austrailian-born geologist, Dr. Andrew Snelling reveals the faulty logic of some evidence interpretation methods. Rocks are...Read more
February 5, 2018
Geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling shows that the extent and order of the rock layers and the fossils they contain indicate that a glob...Read more