Season 3 (1998)


October 24, 1998 • 52m

Unit 13 is put on a grant fraud matter, after it is threatened to be disbanded. They track it down to a pharmaceutical company cal...Read more

Tot de dood ons scheidt

October 31, 1998 • 52m

Inspector Harry seems to have had an accident. Sterk confiscates a videotape of Rieding on which top civil servants make agreement...Read more


November 7, 1998 • 52m

Doubts rise around the death of inspector Harry and the Unit intercepts a mysterious cargo on Zestienhoven, which proves to be leg...Read more

De strohalm

November 14, 1998 • 52m

The Unit gets a few days to close the investigation of the office Leenmans & Venhuis. Bilderdijk informs rieding he doesn't want t...Read more


November 21, 1998 • 52m

Rieding says farewell to the Unit and leaves with Rutger de Klerk to the US. Govers also takes his dismissal and accepts a job at ...Read more


November 28, 1998 • 52m

Bilderdijk takes control of the Unit during the absence of Sterk and tries to save the Unit. Alexandra goes undercover in private ...Read more

Het hol van de leeuw

December 5, 1998 • 52m

Alexandra discovers a closed department in Vita nova which is monitored by Secu Watch. Rebecca tries to win the confidence of Mrs ...Read more

De inval

December 12, 1998 • 52m

Sterk disciplines Bilderdijk, because he went behind her back. Journalist Remco Haas tells Ruard that the death of an alderman in ...Read more


December 19, 1998 • 52m

The Unit has proved its legitimacy and is not disbanded. In the meantime they try find out who's the big man behind Vita nova, amo...Read more

Het begin van het einde

December 26, 1998 • 52m

Koops writes a letter as Breitner with evidence to Bilderdijk and Govers escapes an attack. Breitner has confessed partially, but ...Read more

Aan alles komt een eind

January 2, 1999 • 52m

Adrienne Rieding returns from the US, among other things because she wants to experience the resolution of the matter. Van Dalen w...Read more