October 21, 1982
DECEMBER 1942: The women have been split up as they march to their new camp and Marion's group later learns that the second group,...Read more
October 28, 1982
1 JANUARY 1943: The internees adjust to life in their new camp, where things are radically different and seemingly much more luxur...Read more
November 4, 1982
2 JANUARY 1943: The ridiculous restrictions of the new camp, such as no swearing, leave the women restless, especially Dorothy and...Read more
November 11, 1982
15 JANUARY 1943: Punishment continues to be severe following Sally's death. Rations are cut and workloads increased. Mrs Van Meyer...Read more
November 18, 1982
Sister Ulrica tries to talk Dorothy out of aborting the baby: she says that its either that or she will kill herself. Verna and Mi...Read more
November 25, 1982
31 MARCH 1943: Marion asks Yamauchi about Christina and the other women from the first camp; next day, Christina and Blanche are r...Read more
December 2, 1982
22 APRIL 1943: With Christina's help, Rose and Bernard arrange to sneak out of their camps and meet up in the jungle on the night ...Read more
December 9, 1982
30 APRIL 1943: The internees suffer severe punishments following Rose's escape. She is brought back to the camp alive, but shot in...Read more
December 16, 1982
12 MAY 1943: Lillian and Bobby are transferred to another camp by Yamauchi following Marion's request, when the other women and ch...Read more
December 23, 1982
3 SEPTEMBER 1943: Conditions continue to worsen inside the camp, not helped any by a drought and an increased work load. Marion's ...Read more