Season 5 (2001)

Jumbo Trucks

September 12, 2001 • 1h

Challenge to build a vehicle that can jump crushed cars, race down a dirt straight away, but can still be agile enough to handle t...Read more

Portable Bridge

September 19, 2001 • 1h

The Challenge is to build a vehicle that not only must carry all members to a gap, but then span the gap without leaving any parts...Read more

Car Dozer

March 26, 2003 • 1h

Challenge to build the most accurate and destructive cannon. The objective to break the most concrete bricks in the opponent's wal...Read more

Jet Trikes

April 2, 2003 • 1h

Challenge for each team to build a raft that can carry two team members out of scrap. Then race the rafts up and down a white wate...Read more

Power Pullers

April 9, 2003 • 1h

Challenge to build a glider that can stay aloft for the longest time. The course is a large hill. One team goes for a traditional ...Read more

Laundry Launchers

April 16, 2003 • 1h

Challenge to build to a torpedo that can maneuver around obstacles in the water to reach the enemy ship and hit a target to regist...Read more

Building Bashers

October 31, 2001 • 1h

Challenge: Each team has to build the most powerful demolition machine they can. Then, they'll try to destroy 9 panels of wall bui...Read more

Junkyard Mega-Wars

December 23, 2001 • 1h

In the first of the Junkyard Mega-Wars special, 3 teams of builders from United States, Great Britain and Russia build a vehicles ...Read more

Bloopers and Trashy Out-Takes

November 23, 2001 • 1h

Episode 9 of Season 5 premiered on November 23, 2001