April 14, 2000 • 25m
Captain Lafiel commands her crew of four (including secretary Jinto Lin) as her battleship fiercely dogfights against an enemy in ...Read more
April 21, 2000 • 25m
The Abh Empire launches Operation Phantom Flame, the reorganization of its Star Forces in order to go back into battle. Admiral Sp...Read more
April 28, 2000 • 25m
Assigned to Battleship Squadron Latouche, Lafiel's assault ship Basroil patrols the conquered Aptic System. The forward push by Ab...Read more
May 12, 2000 • 25m
The Basroil destroys the first set of mines sent its way. The Abh assault ships aim to hunt down the enemy scouts one by one, like...Read more
May 19, 2000 • 25m
The Basroil is in spacedock being repaired, and the crew are stocking up on supplies. Dusanyu, with the new information he has rec...Read more
May 26, 2000 • 25m
At Atosuryua's request, Jinto and Lafiel join her for a dinner in honor of her late brother, Klowal. In a break from the wartime a...Read more
June 2, 2000 • 25m
While on patrol, the Basroil and another assault ship, the Seigroil, are hit by enemy mines. They wind up adrift, stranded in Plan...Read more
June 9, 2000 • 25m
It's the night before the big battle and everyone is doing whatever they need to do. Admiral Bebaus plans his defense but is distr...Read more
June 16, 2000 • 25m
As they wait for the enemy fleet to arrive, Jinto and Lafiel discuss their lives and how they got to that point. Jinto confesses t...Read more
June 23, 2000 • 25m
The Abh fleet command tries to determine the true nature of the enemy's new weapon. Unfortunately, it has taken a heavy toll on th...Read more
June 30, 2000 • 25m
Lafiel is upset that they've been ordered to withdraw from the battle. She isn't used to losing or giving up. Her unit commander c...Read more
July 7, 2000 • 25m
As the battle for Aptic boils around them, the damaged Basroil is given permission to withdraw from the field of battle. Unfortuna...Read more
July 14, 2000 • 25m
Jinto and Lafiel float through space in an emergency escape pod, waiting for rescue. The main fleet continues the battle, with Spo...Read more