March 29, 2016
An adrenaline-packed new season brings a new face: 23 year-old Sean Dwyer –fighting for the legacy of the father he lost too soon....Read more
April 5, 2016
24-year-old Captain Sean Dwyer & crew prepare for their first crab season aboard the Brenna A. Jake Anderson fears he made a b...Read more
April 12, 2016
Wild Bill risks his biggest lead in history to bail Josh Harris out of trouble. Sean Dwyer finds out if he has got what it takes. ...Read more
April 19, 2016
Josh Harris is forced to take over the Cornelia Marie. Sean Dwyer gets his first taste of the angry sea. Greenhorns on the Cape Ca...Read more
April 26, 2016
Jake Anderson tries a dangerous short cut with only one working engine on the boat. Casey and Josh perform surgery at sea. Edgar H...Read more
May 3, 2016
The season’s worst storm yet slams the fleet. Freshmen Skipper Sean Dwyer must choose between crab & a childhood friend. Wild ...Read more
May 10, 2016
Captain Edgar Hansen is losing control of the Northwestern with a mutiny on his hands. A couple of drunk deckhands put the Saga at...Read more
May 17, 2016
In the final days of the fall season, a massive arctic storm blasts the fleet with hurricane-force winds and monster seas. Every c...Read more
May 24, 2016
The winter crab season is here and brings with it this year's biggest storm. Every captain must decide to risk it all and head out...Read more
May 31, 2016
During the final throes of the season's first arctic storm, the captains and crews need to battle for survival. While other captai...Read more
June 7, 2016
Keith and Johnathan test the boundaries of partner fishing; Captain Jake struggles with a problematic deckhand; Zack must step up ...Read more
June 14, 2016
Sean Dwyer is forced to bring down his dad's law on a deckhand. Josh faces off against Casey, Sig's crew grind through a haul, and...Read more
June 21, 2016 • 1h
Alone on the water, days from land, the Northwestern catches fire. On the Time Bandit a family emergency forces Johnathan to make ...Read more
July 5, 2016
Captain Sig and crew fight for their lives against an engine room fire 250 miles from land. Faulty hydraulics and a flying 800-pou...Read more
July 12, 2016 • 43m
Blood is shed on the Time Bandit, a fight breaks out on the Wizard, the Northwestern grapples with a burnt-out boat, and a lost be...Read more
July 19, 2016 • 43m
A rogue wave forces Zack to make a life or death decision. Against his co captain and crew, Josh bets on a Bering Sea myth. Giant ...Read more
July 26, 2016 • 1h 29m
Intense weather and more damage to his battered boat take a toll on Sig's heart. The USCG attempts a dangerous medevac. Bill strug...Read more
August 2, 2016 • 1h 26m
Sig fights to survive a massive heart attack. Bill learns a dark secret about his son. Josh fights to prove himself. Jake learns a...Read more