July 9, 2015 • 17m
We're back again! We start with the tale of SS Bessemer, but soon enough we're coming up with a rejected Bond villain, working out...Read more
July 16, 2015 • 12m
It turns out the Citation Needed team have a certain amount of skepticism when it comes to mythological beasties. So rather than t...Read more
July 23, 2015 • 17m
Surprisingly few tangents this week, because the subject matter is astonishing enough that there's no stopping us. Apart from gett...Read more
July 30, 2015 • 14m
This week! We're tracking down some suggestive pseudoscience, and wondering about the Queen's package. And no, you're not finding ...Read more
August 6, 2015 • 13m
Last in this season! We take on a former President of the USA, and one particularly vicious rabbit. Thanks for watching, everyone!