June 24, 2021 • 3h 52m
Five burgeoning adventurers explore the Upper Slums of Emon and take a job offered by a mysterious thief but what they discover ma...Read more
July 1, 2021 • 3h 42m
The party makes their way to the Fire Ashari but their search for answers yields only more questions and deeper conflict...
July 8, 2021 • 3h 2m
The group must return to Emon to seek the expertise of a powerful runechild but the seeming simplicity of this task is made more c...Read more
July 15, 2021 • 4h 10m
The adventurers continue their travels south through Tal'Dorei but the past comes calling for them all in very different ways...
July 22, 2021 • 3h 40m
As the adventurers make their way into the jungles of the Rifenmist inner and outer conflicts begin to surface among the members of the party...
July 29, 2021 • 4h 29m
Finally arriving at Niirdal-Poc the surprised adventurers discover something more ancient and thriving than the simple ruins of a lost city...
August 5, 2021 • 3h 48m
Pressing deeper into the jungle the group stumbles upon an intriguing puzzle but unlocking its mysteries leads to a dangerous encounter...
August 12, 2021 • 3h 18m
Face to face with the foe who has been following them through the jungle the group must use every ability and asset at their dispo...Read more