December 4, 2005 • 11m
Shake pretends to fall down a well, where he meets the legendary New Jersey monster known as Dirtfoot.
December 11, 2005 • 11m
Shake sells himself out to Boost Mobile, and now is forced to endlessly plug the service.
December 18, 2005 • 11m
Master Shake reviews deleted scenes from the upcoming Aqua Teen movie.
December 19, 2005 • 11m
Part 2 of the deleted scenes from the Aqua Teen movie, hosted by Master Shake.
October 22, 2006 • 11m
Carl suffers the consequences for ordering fast food at Wong Burger. Apparently, the owner Mr. Wong has a diabolical plan.
October 29, 2006 • 11m
Frylock creates a genetically mutated dog for Meatwad named Handbanana, who soon begins to periodically rape Carl.
November 5, 2006 • 11m
Andrew W.K. guest stars in this very special episode about tragedy, courage and ultimately, redemption.
November 12, 2006 • 11m
Shake purchases an environmentally unfriendly grill.
November 19, 2006 • 11m
Clips from older shows are used. The Aqua Teens talk a lot about their past experiences. Carl goes crazy after finding out that Ta...Read more
November 26, 2006 • 11m
The Mooninites get Shake and Meatwad high by burning tires. Frylock doesn't fall for this trick and later the Mooninites finally e...Read more
December 3, 2006 • 11m
Carl receives a visit from his favorite football star.
December 10, 2006 • 11m
Frylock investigates the mysterious alien antenna built atop Carl's house. What part does professional voice artist George Lowe play in the puzzle?
December 17, 2006 • 11m
Shake takes on the greatest role of his life: that of a father.
December 22, 2006 • 11m
Two floating brains (calling themselves Carl) hire Meatwad to advertise their dilapidated car wash. He is unable to attract custom...Read more