January 1, 1952 • 17m
John the Baptist is born. A man who would become a Judaean preacher prophesying of the Messiah's arrival.
January 8, 1952 • 15m
The Angel announces to Mary that she is going to be the mother of Jesus.
January 15, 1952 • 13m
Mary and Joseph take the infant Jesus to the temple. The scribes inform Herod of the prophecy of Micah.
January 22, 1952 • 17m
Jesus comes to John to be baptized. John calls him 'the Lamb of God'. John continues to preach and to baptize until he is imprisoned by Herod.
January 29, 1952 • 14m
As Jesus approaches, John the Baptist says, 'Look the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!' Jesus begins to teach the first disciples.
February 5, 1952 • 14m
In Capernaum, four friends carry the sick man up to the roof of the house where Jesus is teaching.
February 12, 1952 • 12m
A Samaritan woman meets Jesus at Jacob's Well. After an enlightening conversation she acknowledges him as the Messiah and begins e...Read more
February 19, 1952 • 11m
A nobleman from Capernaum begs Jesus to come and heal his dying son.
February 26, 1952 • 12m
At Jesus' words, 'Follow me', Peter, Andrew, James and John leave their nets. They go to Capernaum where Jesus heals the demonaics.
March 4, 1952 • 12m
A sinful woman anoints Jesus' feet in the house of Simon.
March 11, 1952 • 13m
Three incidents empathize the truth that 'the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath': the healing of the lame man at the pool of ...Read more
March 18, 1952 • 11m
The priests follow the ritual laws of uncleanness for the lepers, but Jesus heals one who comes to Him.
March 25, 1952 • 18m
Jesus states "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die".
April 1, 1952 • 17m
Jesus asks the disciples who men say that He is. Peter confirms that Jesus is the Christ.
April 8, 1952 • 17m
Jesus goes privately to Jerusalem to the feast of tabernacles and teaches in the temple. The Sanhedrin sends soldiers to arrest Jesus.
April 15, 1952 • 18m
Jesus tells the disciples of His coming death and resurrection.
April 22, 1952 • 12m
In the house of Simon in Bethany, Mary anoints Jesus' head and feet.
April 29, 1952 • 14m
In the garden, Jesus says, 'Father, not my will, but thine be done.' Judas betrays his master with a kiss.
May 6, 1952 • 12m
Temple guards take Jesus from Gethsemane to Annas, and then to Caiaphas the High Priest. John and Peter follow.
May 13, 1952 • 13m
Jesus is brought to Pilate for judgment. Pilate can find no fault and sends Jesus away. Jesus is returned to Pilate, who in turn w...Read more
May 20, 1952 • 16m
Simon of Cyrene is forced to carry Jesus' cross when He falters under its load. The procession climbs the hill of Golgotha.
May 27, 1952 • 16m
Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus agree to make arrangements for the burial of Jesus.
June 3, 1952 • 12m
The events of the Resurrection include the placing of the Special Guard at the tomb, the rolling away of the stone, the discovery ...Read more
June 10, 1952 • 12m
Jesus joins the two on the road to Emmaus. Jesus appears to the disciples.
April 1, 1952 • 20m
Upon seeing the blind man, the disciples ask Jesus, 'Who sinned, this man or his parents?' Jesus answers them by saying that neith...Read more
May 6, 1952 • 15m
After the paschal meal in the upper room, Jesus washes the disciples' feet.