Season 3 (2018)

Destroying This Grape Keloid

December 14, 2018 • 4m

Dr. Lee uses liquid nitrogen to freeze a keloid from the inside out.

This Cheek Cyst Keeps Expanding

December 14, 2018 • 6m

Dr. Lee shows the difference between cheek cysts and scalp pillar cysts.

This Ear Milia Looks Like Bird Seeds

December 14, 2018 • 6m

Dr. Lee gets her hands on a woman's milia, and they pop out like pearls.

Satisfying Blackhead Bonanza

December 14, 2018 • 6m

Dr. Lee takes on a painter who has led to a face full of blackheads.

Misleading Iceberg Cyst

December 14, 2018 • 5m

One man drives two hours for Dr. Lee to pop his cheek cyst.

New Mom's Inflamed Cyst

December 14, 2018 • 5m

Dr. Lee needs a splash guard for a potentially infected cyst.

Lemon Custard Steatocystomas

December 14, 2018 • 5m

Dr. Lee's first big steatocystoma multiplex patient returns for more pops.