Season 5 (1988)

Whose Trash Is It Anyway?

October 12, 1988 • 45m

Mark and Jonathan join the campaign of a friend of Mark, whose highly honest. But his less than honest opponent is doing what he can to smear him.

Hello and Farewell (1)

December 7, 1988 • 45m

Jonathan helps Commander Michaels deal with flashbacks of Vietnam as well as try to convince her to go to therapy. Mark deals wit...Read more

Hello and Farewell (2)

December 7, 1988 • 45m

Commander Michaels continues to deal with post-traumatic stress disorder she also discovers she has son who came in to the emergen...Read more

The Silent Bell

March 21, 1989 • 45m

A pastor must follow a church council's decision to fire most of the staff at the school because they're not Christian.

The Reunion

June 2, 1989 • 45m

Mark Gordon attends is there any five-year class reunion only to learn that it's not what he expected. An older actor uses the re...Read more

The Source

June 9, 1989 • 45m

Jonathan tries two teach two kids the right way to report a story. But after a bus accident Diane Nichols gets the bus driver in ...Read more

The Squeaky Wheel

June 16, 1989 • 45m

Wayne seacrest is suddenly fired from his job as a computer programmer because the left on the bus breaks down. Jonathan and Mark ...Read more

Goodbye, Mr. Zelinka

June 23, 1989 • 45m

Mr. Zelinka is a beloved teacher who is forced to retire because he has reached the retirement age of 70. The school board presid...Read more


June 30, 1989 • 45m

A Vietnamese couple has come back to the states from Singapore to try and take their sons back. Mr. and Mrs.Trong find it somewha...Read more

Summer Camp

July 14, 1989 • 45m

To help Mary Anders forget that she was scar and a fire Jonathan and Mark are arranged for her to work at a summer camp for the bl...Read more

The Inner Limits

July 21, 1989 • 45m

Paul believes his brother George can do nothing because of his handicapped and because of what doctors told him and his mother. Jo...Read more

It's a Dog's Life

July 28, 1989 • 45m

Thinking Jonathan has turned into a dog, Mark embarks alone to unite a young runaway with his family.

Merry Christmas from Grandpa

August 4, 1989 • 45m

On Christmas Eve, Jonathan allows three powerful people to foresee the consequences of their actions: an energy magnate, a farmer and the President.