Temporada 1 (2020)

"Los ojos de Judas" y la necesidad del perdón

October 5, 2020

A Diana la invade la nostalgia por las playas de Huanchaco y esto le recuerda a Laura un cuento del gran Abraham Valdelomar: “Los ...Read more

"5 metros de poemas" y la dinámica de la modernidad

October 6, 2020 • 12m

A lost scholarship, a half-finished first university cycle... all of Diana's plans were frustrated by the pandemic, so Laura tries...Read more

"Frankenstein y los dilemas de la paternidad

October 7, 2020 • 15m

After a fight between Diana and her father, Laura decides to tell him a story about another father and son in conflict: “Frankenst...Read more

"El retrato de Dorian Gray" y las ventajas de las apariencias

October 12, 2020 • 13m

Diana has fallen in love with Giacomo Razzolini, a boy she met on Instagram, but this displeases Laura who believes that her siste...Read more

"El Corset" y la tortura para ser bellas

October 13, 2020 • 14m

The dilemma about what to do with Diana's old dress leads the sisters to ask a very interesting question: Do we wear what we wear ...Read more

"El engendro y el ciclo del año nuevo"

October 14, 2020 • 14m

“I hate 2020!” Diana believes that this year ir responsible for all of her misfortunes. Could it be true? Laura remembers a story ...Read more

"El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde" y nuestros lados oscuros

October 19, 2020 • 15m

A call upsets Diana, her friend has just been accepted at a foreign university to go on an exchange and Diana wishes that somethin...Read more

"Poemas humanos" y la crudeza de la realidad

October 20, 2020 • 15m

A volunteer experience leaves Diana very sensitive and makes her question her privileges and society's neglect of vulnerable popul...Read more

"Un grito en la noche" y el remordimiento de la inacción

October 21, 2020 • 15m

A fight between her parents has Laura very worried, she had never heard them yell at each other like that and she thinks she shoul...Read more

"Alienación" y el rechazo a nuestra identidad

October 26, 2020 • 15m

Diana has “alienated”, u know? Or at least that's what her sister Laura thinks, who sees her behavior more and more like a person ...Read more

"Corazón delator" y la inescapable culpa

October 27, 2020 • 14m

Mr. Lucilo, a neighbor of Diana's, has died and he blames her for treating him badly the last time they saw each other being tortu...Read more

"El poder de la infancia" y el ajusticiamiento social

October 28, 2020 • 14m

On a visit to the market, Diana witnesses how people beat up a boy who tried to steal a sack of potatoes and this disturbs her a l...Read more

"Poemas de Alfonsina Stormi" y la vulnerabilidad del amor

November 2, 2020 • 15m

Diana has fallen into the trap of love, but the boy she likes has fallen in love with someone else. Seeing her on the verge of tea...Read more