November 1, 1979
In Papua New Guinea, almost overnight, air travel transformed a stone-age country into a 20th-century state. It brought remote hil...Read more
November 8, 1979
A candid behind-the-scenes picture of a modern airline during a remarkable year. In 1978 like most airlines in the USA, United Air...Read more
November 15, 1979
Air travel today makes better sense when thrown into relief by what came before. In 1919, airline pilots followed railway lines ex...Read more
November 22, 1979
The air conquest of the North Atlantic pit the aeroplane against the elements and against the airships - and of both against the o...Read more
November 29, 1979
7 out of 10 travellers are on holiday, all flocking to the same 'unspoilt' beaches, beauty spots, and places of interest. What is ...Read more
December 6, 1979
The British Airways team operating in the Middle East is accustomed to dealing with fuel crises, food shortages, technical problem...Read more
December 13, 1979
Where has civil aviation brought us in the last 60 years, and where might it take us all in the future? Whatever technical challen...Read more