Season 2 (2017)

Engineering Immortality: The End of Aging?

June 2, 2017

Are there limits to the human lifespan? Is it possible to stop the process of aging? On average, humans now live far longer than a...Read more

Cartographers of the Brain: Mapping the Connectome

June 4, 2017

Scientists are attempting to map the wiring of the nearly 100 billion neurons in the human brain. Are we close to uncovering the m...Read more

Harnessing the Power of Neuroplasticity: The Nuts and Bolts of Better Brains

May 31, 2018

What if your brain at 77 were as plastic as it was at 7? What if you could learn Mandarin with the ease of a toddler or play Rachm...Read more

Who Is Out There: Why Alien 'Life' May Be Weirder Than We Imagine

June 2, 2018

If we want to discover alien life out there in the universe, we first need to figure out where to look-and what we're even looking...Read more

My Neurons, My Self

June 5, 2018

With ever more refined techniques for measuring complex brain activity, scientists are challenging the understanding of thought, m...Read more

The Social Synapse: Neuroscience and the Roots of Human Connections

June 2, 2017

Humans work together on enormous scales to build complex tools as large as cities and create social networks that span the globe. ...Read more

The Believing Brain: Evolution, Neuroscience, and the Spiritual Instinct

June 2, 2018

Episode 7 of Season 2 premiered on June 2, 2018

Resistance Is (Not) Futile: The End of Antibiotics and the Future of Fighting Infections

June 2, 2018

We have fallen woefully behind in the race to keep up with harmful bacteria as they continually evolve to outsmart our antibiotics...Read more

If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em: The Future of Augmented Intelligence

June 3, 2017

Computers are getting smarter and more creative, offering spectacular possibilities to improve the human condition. There's a call...Read more

Forever Young: The Promise of Human Regeneration

June 1, 2017

From lab-grown organs to tissue engineering, regenerative medicine holds the potential to deliver eternal life. How close are we t...Read more

The Roots of Extremism: The Fundamentalist in Your Brain

June 3, 2018

Nearly every group has its extreme outliers. Where does fundamentalism come from? How does the most powerful organ in the known un...Read more

The Microbiome: Vital Cells of Existence

June 2, 2018

For every cell in your body, there's another tiny single-celled creature that also calls your body home. Far from being germs we s...Read more