March 7, 2005 • 1h
Controversy and censorship from the early 80s, including the video nasties, Derek and Clive Get the Horn, Ian Dury's Spasticus Aut...Read more
March 8, 2005 • 1h
Focusing on the years 1985-1989, looks at censorship issues over Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams' voice being banned from the airwave...Read more
March 9, 2005 • 1h
Focusses on the years 1990-1994, and censorship over the BSE public health scare, the Gulf war and Madonna's controversial book 'Sex'.
March 10, 2005 • 1h
Focusses on the years 1995-1999 and controversy over the films CRASH and KIDS, the antics and message of the singer Marilyn Manson...Read more