August 8, 2002 • 25m
The club has burnt down (rival Den Perry did it) and Brian has been barred from holding a licence due to safety shortcuts and insu...Read more
August 15, 2002 • 25m
Brian is in dire need of cash for his refurbishment so he decides to hold a family fun day in the club car park. They've got fairg...Read more
August 22, 2002 • 25m
To get publicity, Brian arranges for the Phoenix Club to be featured on TV show Crimetime (presented by Stuart Maconie), recreatin...Read more
August 29, 2002 • 25m
Everyone except Brian seems to know Wednesday is 'Jerry's Free and Easy Night'. So Jerry is furious when he finds Brian's organise...Read more
September 5, 2002 • 25m
It's Ladies' Night, Brian's stocked up on Bacardi and Paddy can't wait for the bored housewives to arrive. Max has his eye on a di...Read more
September 12, 2002 • 25m
The Phoenix has risen and the punters are back. Brian isn't surprised when the brewery decides to come and celebrate his victory a...Read more