October 16, 1995 • 5m
The engines are having trouble getting to sleep, so Thomas tells them the story of Duke... Duke, Stuart and Falcon worked on their...Read more
October 17, 1995 • 5m
Thomas tells the engines the rest of his story about Duke and how a group of people set out to save him.
October 18, 1995 • 5m
Percy is feeling rather annoyed because he has a new coat of paint and is longing for everyone and anyone to see it. So Thomas tel...Read more
October 19, 1995 • 5m
Stuart is being rather cheeky to Duke about his old age but is taught a lesson later on that day thanks to a clever plan...
October 20, 1995 • 5m
Skarloey feels lonely when Rheneas goes away to be mended; he wishes he could be young and pull coaches again. He finally gets his...Read more
October 23, 1995 • 5m
Skarloey and Rheneas are two old engines, who tire very easily. So the Manager sends for Sir Handel and Peter Sam to help them; bu...Read more
October 24, 1995 • 5m
Whilst Sir Handel is shut up in the shed, Peter Sam is doing his work as well as his own - and does he love it! However, Henry say...Read more
October 25, 1995 • 5m
Trucks - Sir Handel doesn't like them and they don't like him. So, after some 'helpful' tips from Gordon, he tricks Peter Sam into...Read more
October 26, 1995 • 5m
Peter Sam is delighted when Skarloey returns home. He tells him about Duncan, who came as a spare engine after his accident. Skar...Read more
October 27, 1995 • 5m
Rusty and the men are working hard to mend the line; but there is still one bad bit, before the first station, which they haven't ...Read more
October 30, 1995 • 5m
Ever since his accident with the trucks, Peter Sam's funnel is constantly wobbling and clanking as the winter wind ties to blow it...Read more
October 31, 1995 • 5m
Sir Handel brags about his "steamroller wheels" and boasts that he can go faster than the other engines. Tired of this, Skarloey t...Read more
November 1, 1995 • 5m
Skarloey is delighted to hear the news that Rheneas is coming home from the menders. Nancy, the guard's daughter, is planning a '...Read more
November 2, 1995 • 5m
Duncan is still complaining about passengers being a nuisance. But Skarloey tells him just how important passengers are, when he t...Read more
November 3, 1995 • 5m
During the springtime, a new line has been opened; it runs through fields of bluebells. Rusty thinks that what they need is a 'Blu...Read more
November 6, 1995 • 5m
Stepney the 'Bluebell' engine feels sad that his line is so short, and longs for a good run to stretch his wheels; how delighted h...Read more
November 8, 1995 • 5m
Stepney is very happy with his visit to the Fat Controller's railway. But one day, whilst waiting at a signal, a cricket team's "o...Read more
November 7, 1995 • 5m
Stepney's visit is coming to an end and Thomas, Percy and the rest are very sorry that he is leaving. But they have other things t...Read more
November 9, 1995 • 5m
The engines are very excited with the news that a circus has come to town. But they become bored and grumpy when it is time for it...Read more
November 10, 1995 • 5m
Poor Oliver! Ever since his plight in the turntable well, the trucks, and their leader S.C.Ruffey, have been teasing him dreadfull...Read more
November 13, 1995 • 5m
Daisy snorts about Toby the Tram Engine's cowcatchers and side plates, which prevent animals getting hurt if they stray on the lin...Read more
November 14, 1995 • 5m
Thomas, Percy and the others are invited to "the big city faraway" by a little girl as well as her friends who would like to meet ...Read more
November 15, 1995 • 5m
All the engines are thrilled when they hear that H.R.H, the Queen, is coming to visit their railway. But Thomas, Edward and Gordon...Read more
November 16, 1995 • 5m
One evening, an extra load of fish has been ordered and there are instructions that extra vans must be added to Henry's train "The...Read more
November 17, 1995 • 5m
Toby is excited when he is invited to be the "Special Attraction" for a seaside village's parade. But his excitement turns to disa...Read more
November 20, 1995 • 5m
Percy loves seeing the cheerful postman Tom Tipper driving about in his old van and helping him with his mail train. But Tom feels...Read more