May 15, 1981 • 1h 30m
1. Message from Guy: Catch Our Stars 2. High Q 3. The Merv Griffin Show: Arafat, Liberace, Ferigno 4. English for Beginners 5....Read more
May 22, 1981 • 1h 30m
1. 5 Neat Guys: Neatest Hits 2. Tim Ishimuni Show 3. Kwallada 4. Message from Prickley: Polynesiantown 5. SCTV Movie Of the We...Read more
May 29, 1981 • 1h 30m
1. Sunrise Semester: Conversational New Yorkese with Norman Gorman 2. Lola Heatherton In Concert 3. Yellowbelly 4. Speaking of ...Read more
June 19, 1981 • 1h 30m
1. Comment with David Brinkley: Quality Smoke 2. Cooking with Prickley 3. Tex and Edna Boil's Organ Emporium: Rhythm Ace 4. Car...Read more
July 3, 1981 • 1h 30m
1. Tomorrow, Tonight, Today 2. Fillips Milk of Amnesia 3. LaRue Wrap 4. Sunrise Semester: Man's Ability to Imitate with Mr. Wi...Read more
July 10, 1981 • 1h 30m
1. Sunrise Semester: Post Natal Exercises 2. Poochare Dog Food 3. Sunbright 4. Message from Guy: Sponsors 5. Moral Majority Wr...Read more
July 17, 1981 • 1h 30m
1. Pledge Week 2. Dr. Shekter 3. Farm Film Report 4. Kovak Expert 5. Studio Tour 6. Mel’s Rock Pile: 20th Anniversary Special...Read more
July 24, 1981 • 1h 30m
1. Gene Shalit Critic’s Special 2. Wrong Side of the Bed with Bill Needle 3. John McEnroe for Coffee 4. Lola Wrap 5. Jake Lamo...Read more
July 31, 1981 • 1h 30m
1. Max Lax Coffee Laxative 2. Bob and Doug Wrap 3. Harry Filth 4. Money Talks with Brian Johns: William Douglas 5. The Johnny ...Read more
November 20, 1981 • 1h 30m
Episode 13 of Season 1 premiered on November 20, 1981