October 4, 2006
The Freak Squad is assigned to go to a remote island to gather a supply of rare nuts as snacks for the President.
October 11, 2006
Defying their orders to roll back the odometer in the President's car, the squad determines to go to Vienna to protect the Hartsda...Read more
October 18, 2006
The Freak Squad perform at a fair with country music superstar Toby Tritt Greenwood. Despite her outspoken liberal stance, the Bea...Read more
October 26, 2006
The Freak Squad is sent to New York City to scope out an apartment for the President's friend's cat. On the way, Siamese twins Tuc...Read more
November 2, 2006
The Freak Squad beams up to New Hampshire to take over a mission from Log Cabin Republican, who has become distracted while runnin...Read more
November 9, 2006
The Hartsdales choose to circumcise Primi while performing in a heavily Jewish community, but does the local rabbi have an ulterior motive?
November 16, 2006
Having used Primi's foreskin to summon Moshiach, the Jewish messiah, Pat Robertson and the President decide to fight back with the...Read more