Season 6 (2018)

Yoga, Aerial Silks and Bo Staff

June 4, 2018

How do you injure yourself doing yoga on a paddle board, how fun are aerial silks, and are Bo staffs safe for everyone ?

Bob Sled, Backflip and Swegway

June 11, 2018

What is the science behind bob sledding, why a standing back flip can hurt you and ways you can humiliate yourself on a Swegway.

Whips, Jumping People and Swings

June 18, 2018

Why it is not always a good idea to jump people, how cracking whips can hurt, and the hazards of pushing a swing.

Kayak, Bridge Swing and Trampoline

June 25, 2018

Trampolines can hurt you, sliding a kayak into the water is an art, and swinging from a bridge can be painful.

Wake Surfing, Water Slides and Sparring

July 2, 2018

Even water slides can hurt you, the secrets of quality wake surfing, and the hidden dangers when practicing your sparring kicks.

Kayaks, Avalanches and Stunts

July 9, 2018

You really can get injured when kayaking over a waterfall, avalanche humiliations, and feet behind your head stunts can hurt.

Planes, Fish and Chair Handstands

July 16, 2018

The painful hidden hazards of chair handstands, even fishing can hurt, and the secrets to landing a plane.

Jet Skis, Bicycles, and Slack Lining

July 23, 2018

The painful dangers of slack lining, how not to ride a bicycle and if you need to hurt, then drive a Jetski over land.

BMX, Ice and Log Walking

July 30, 2018

The BMX front flip, fun when it works, pain when it doesn't, walking on a log is harder than you would think, and ice will always ...Read more

Fences, Dinghies and Hang Gliders

August 6, 2018

Hang gliders are not for amateurs, leaning on a fence can humiliate you, and injury is always an option when playing with dinghies.

Ninja Grip, Rope Swing and Parasailing

August 13, 2018

If you don't have a ninja grip then chances are you are going to experience pain, try not to get hurt when parasailing behind a bo...Read more

Parkour, Boats and Bicycles

August 20, 2018

Parkour Press can really hurt when you get it wrong, the bicycle ledge drop can be humiliating in so many ways, and moving about o...Read more

Ice Bergs, Piers, and Teeter Totters

August 27, 2018

If you must wind surf next to a glacier, watch out for falling ice blocks, jumping off a pier is sometimes painful humiliation, bi...Read more

Demolitions, Dams and Ladders

September 3, 2018

How dams work, jet ski's can be humiliating, explosive demolitions do not always go to plan, sails are not always your friend. and...Read more

Cliffs, Party Poppers and Wrestling

September 10, 2018

Cliff jumping is potentially dangerous and very often painful. A snow half pipe is packed as hard as concrete so a fall is still g...Read more

Hurricanes, Half Pipe and Skiing

September 17, 2018

Knowing the science behind biking or boarding on a half pipe, will keep you from being laughed at by your friends. Skiing a box ra...Read more

Ramps, Pogo Sticks and Drones

September 24, 2018

Ramp jumps on a bike is great fun until you get it wrong, which is often. Pogo sticks need friction to stay under control otherwis...Read more

Chainsaws, Pumps and Trains

October 1, 2018

Push a combustion engine too far, and a spectacular fail will result. A train locomotive is a very powerful engine and can pull up...Read more

Entropy, Bowling and Snowboarding

October 8, 2018

Rivers, treat them with respect or they will get you. Snowboard carving, not as easy as it looks. Stilt hand stands, guaranteed pa...Read more

Motorcycle, Parkour and Stairs

October 15, 2018

Motorcycle flips, sure to result in pain and humiliation. Walking up stairs is sometimes harder than you would think, and it can s...Read more