Season 4 (2017)

Pogo Backflip, Ski Cliff Drop In and Reverse Parking

February 3, 2017

Driving in reverse, how many ways can it go wrong. Pogo stick antics are often painful, and ski cliff drop in's are fun until they hurt.

Swimming Pool Handstands

February 3, 2017

Slides are a never ending source of fun, humiliation and pain, depending on how you do it. Poolside handstands are a headache more...Read more

Tyres, Monster Trucks and Scooters

February 10, 2017

A child's scooter is just for a child, and in the hands of an adult, it is a source of pain and humiliation. Tyres are for vehicle...Read more

Skateboarding and Motorbiking

February 10, 2017

The gentle art of catching people, or not depends on a lot of science. You would think simply standing on a skateboard would be si...Read more

Volcano Boarding

February 17, 2017

Childrens toy cars are just that, and adults will only hurt and humiliate themselves playing with them. Swinging on a trapeze, can...Read more

Boats, Bicycles and Tablecloths

February 17, 2017

Jumping onto, off of, or around any boat will pretty much always end in pain and humiliation. ATV doughnuts hurt as well. You need...Read more

Slides, Horses and Twerking

February 24, 2017

Sometimes horse jumping is less horse jump and more people jump. Bumpy slides are great fun until too much speed causes takeoff. S...Read more

Rocks, Wheelies and Face Planting

February 24, 2017

Jumping on planks can be humiliating and painful. Scrambling on rocks, is really dangerous and guaranteed to hurt. Smashing a face...Read more

Ski Jumping, Limbo Dancing & Zip Lining

March 3, 2017

Remember flying down a speedy zip line, there is sometimes a sudden and painfully humiliating stop at the end. Meat tenderising wi...Read more

Hedges, Longboards and Parking Gates

March 3, 2017

Jumping into hedges, great fun, great pain, parking gates will beat some sense into you and stopping a Longboard, not so easy and it can hurt.

Snowmobile, Skateboard and Long Robes

March 10, 2017

Jumping a skateboard can go wrong in so many ways, snowmobiles can get pretty painful too, and walking in long robes is just asking for trouble.

Pogo Sticks, Drumming, and Snowdrifts.

March 10, 2017

No matter what, a Pogo stick is pretty much guaranteed to result in pain. Drumming is sometimes best left to professionals, unless...Read more

Boat, Roller Skating and Dirt Bike Jump

March 17, 2017

Roller skating pain and humiliation, steering a boat is not for amateurs, and a failed dirt bike jump is a painful experience.

Bridges, Snowboarding and Tug of War

March 17, 2017

Snowboarding is always fun before the fall. Doing a flip from a bridge is just another way to embarrass, injure and humiliate your...Read more