June 7, 2021 • 45m
Former NBA star Lorenzen Wright was reported missing in Memphis; several days later, police discovered his bullet-ridden body deep in the woods.
June 15, 2021 • 45m
Tiffany Jackson-Pugh, the wife of a top Atlanta DJ, was found dead in her bed late on a Friday night. Earlier that same year, anot...Read more
June 21, 2021 • 45m
Iana goes to Hollywood to chase her American dream, but after she goes missing for a day, her mother panics and calls police, who ...Read more
June 28, 2021 • 45m
Hip-hop star Young Greatness is on the road to stardom until his career is cut short when he is fatally shot in New Orleans.
July 5, 2021 • 45m
When up-and-coming international supermodel Samirah Frasch is found floating dead in her pool, everyone around her is a suspect; w...Read more
July 12, 2021 • 45m
When Savannah Georgia's beloved civil rights voice is silenced, the community rallies to find answers. Was it revenge? An angry ex...Read more
July 19, 2021 • 45m
When a musician reports the mother of his two children missing, police in two states launch an investigation to track her whereabo...Read more
July 26, 2021 • 45m
John Fuzzy Atkins is found dead in a residential neighbourhood more than 30 miles from his home, leaving investigators wondering w...Read more