June 20, 1996 • 8h 40m
The first episode covers the rise of Josef Stalin, who gained power despite cautionary statements by Lenin before he died. It disc...Read more
May 27, 1996 • 8h 40m
As the series continues, Stalin is wielding his tyrannical power by ruthlessly eliminating the leaders of his Red Army. In Germany...Read more
June 3, 1996 • 8h 40m
Under Stalin's regime, many Russians have been killed, from common peasants to high-ranking officers in the Soviet Army. When Hitl...Read more
June 10, 1996 • 8h 40m
Hitler's forces arrive at Moscow without taking into account the severity of Russian winters. It is October, and the first snows h...Read more
June 17, 1996 • 8h 40m
In the Nazi-captured regions of Russia, the life of villagers went from bad to worse. In this fifth episode of the series, first s...Read more
June 24, 1996 • 8h 40m
At this point in the war, Hitler is badly in need of supplies, and realizes that the vast oil stores of the Caucasus Mountains wou...Read more
July 1, 1996 • 8h 40m
As the Russians began to make gains against the German army, both sides began to see the importance of the region of Kursk. After ...Read more
February 6, 1998 • 8h 40m
The siege against Hitlers forces at Leningrad is finally lifted, and the Red Army is finding success against Hitler's forces.
February 6, 1998 • 8h 40m
Episode 9 of Season 1 premiered on February 6, 1998
February 6, 1998 • 8h 40m
After World War II, those who hoped for a softening of the Stalin regime policies were disappointed. Instead of easing up on his t...Read more