Season 1 (2023)

"El amor a veces duele"

February 20, 2023 • 48m

Gael loses control of his jet ski runs into Marena. Gael asks Marena to be his girlfriend; however, this causes Adrián to suffer s...Read more

"Marena está muerta"

February 21, 2023 • 49m

Gael tries to stop his father from hurting Marena, but he shoots her. Adrián performs a C-section to save Marena's life and that o...Read more

"Yo puedo cambiar su vida"

February 22, 2023 • 44m

David tells Leona that her eyes remind him of a special person. Gael confronts his mom and reveals that in order to change he need...Read more

"¡Tus hijos están vivos!"

February 23, 2023 • 44m

Leona begs Gael for a job interview. Columba warns Gael that he is forbidden to hire women as consultants. Gael agrees to a meetin...Read more

"Unidos para derrocar el mal"

February 24, 2023 • 42m

David confesses to Leona that he went to work at the Torrenegro house to avenge her death, she confirms that they both have the sa...Read more

"Quiero arrancarle la vida"

February 27, 2023 • 42m

Ramsés threatens Columba for medicating Oliver. Gael gives Leona the position as an advisor. Gael asks Columba for a divorce. Leon...Read more

"Un monstruo que se alimenta del miedo"

February 28, 2023 • 42m

Leona is willing to cause the most pain to Ramsés as revenge for killing her family. Ana Julia asks her mother if she is no longer...Read more

"Va a recibir lo que merece"

March 1, 2023 • 42m

Gael tells Columba to stop offending Leona. Camila confesses her secret to David. Jeremías is willing to reveal to Ramsés that Dav...Read more

"Los errores se pagan"

March 2, 2023 • 42m

Leona proposes to Ana Julia to get to know each other better. Oliver refuses to go to his grandfather's party and tells his mother...Read more

"¡Leona, sálvame!"

March 3, 2023 • 42m

Gael confesses to Leona that he will do everything he can to get her to come back to work with him because she reminds him of a wo...Read more

"Bienvenida a la familia, Leona"

March 6, 2023 • 42m

Gael thanks Leona for saving Oliver. Calixto poses as Ramsés and meets with Lola to ask her to be his lover. Columba is upset to l...Read more

"¡Ella es mi hija!"

March 7, 2023 • 42m

David informs Leona that Ana Julia and Kika are in the hospital. Leona discovers that Kika has the same blood type as her and will...Read more

"Siento que el amor volvió a mi vida"

March 8, 2023 • 42m

David asks Benjamín not to feel guilty about the accident, Leona tries to calm him down. Ramsés tells Kika that when she gets out ...Read more

"Quiero recuperar el tiempo a tu lado"

March 9, 2023 • 42m

David kicks out Jeremías from the house, he threatens the family. David surprises Leona with a romantic dinner by the sea, both co...Read more

"El daño que provocan los secretos"

March 10, 2023 • 42m

Lola, knowing that her father has no money to rent a hotel room, asks Calixto for help. Ramsés catches Josefa with the letter from...Read more

"El dolor también une"

March 13, 2023 • 42m

Consuelo informs her family that she has cancer. Benjamín learns that his uncle David's name is really Adrián Hernández and that L...Read more

"Hasta las últimas consecuencias"

March 14, 2023 • 42m

Leona is sure that Columba plagiarized her presentation. Josefa demands that Gael sanction Leona. Columba congratulates Calixto fo...Read more

"¡Vivan los novios!"

March 15, 2023 • 42m

Itzel kisses Benjamin, seeing that he only wants her as a friend, she apologizes. David asks Leona not to get attached to Romeo as...Read more

"Como si te conociera de toda la vida"

March 16, 2023 • 42m

Calixto discovers that Lola is Kika's friend. Ana Julia asks Leona for a hug and tells her that Kika insulted her by assuring her ...Read more

"¡Ella no es mi hija!"

March 17, 2023 • 42m

Gael is determined to have his son Oliver checked by a doctor because he does not see his behavior as normal. Josefa makes a propo...Read more

"Me estoy enamorando de Leona"

March 20, 2023 • 42m

Ramsés humiliates Camila by forcing her to stand up from her wheelchair. Ana Julia has a confrontation with Kika and Leona takes a...Read more

"¡Ana Julia es tu hija!"

March 21, 2023 • 42m

Jeremías proposes to Lola to take revenge on Jacinta by taking her apartment. Leona is moved when celebrating Benjamín's birthday....Read more

"Yo soy tu mamá, hija"

March 22, 2023 • 42m

Josefa complains to Ramsés for being so indifferent to her and her family. Kika assures Ana Julia that she can't stand her. Leona ...Read more

"¡Tú las secuestraste!"

March 23, 2023 • 42m

Leona arrives at the place where Ramsés is holding the cheerleaders captive, she begins to record him and his accomplices in order...Read more

"¡Eres adoptada!"

March 24, 2023 • 42m

David gets jealous when he learns that Gael kissed Leona. Columba proposes to David that he become Camila's lover since Calixto ha...Read more

"Aquí estoy para ti"

March 27, 2023 • 42m

Gael confirms to Ana Julia that Camila and Calixto are not her biological parents. David manages to save himself. Ramsés gets upse...Read more

"¿Te quieres casar conmigo?"

March 28, 2023 • 41m

Leona tells Ana Julia that she is David's girlfriend. Ramsés complains Columba for revealing the truth to Kika and announces to hi...Read more

"Tu hijo… ¡es Benjamín!"

March 29, 2023 • 42m

Jeremías tells Leona that David has been making fun of her since he knows perfectly well who her son is. Ana Julia rebukes Gael fo...Read more

"No quiero saber nada de ti"

March 30, 2023 • 42m

David explains to Leona that it was Jacinta who saved Benjamín's life by preventing him from dying during the hospital explosion. ...Read more

"Atacar por la espalda"

March 31, 2023 • 42m

Ramses looks Ana Julia and upon seeing her closeness with Benjamín, he forbids her to have a relationship with him since they are ...Read more

"¡Sáquenme de aquí!"

April 3, 2023 • 42m

Clara reveals that Lola forced her to sign the apartment documents. Leona is kidnapped. Lola confronts Jacinta and tells her that ...Read more

"Nuestro matrimonio se acabó"

April 4, 2023 • 42m

Flor has a confrontation with Lola that ends with them slapping each other. Columba wants to renew her vows, but Gael opposes beca...Read more

"No quiero ser la otra mujer"

April 5, 2023 • 42m

Gael reaffirms his feelings for Leona and asks Columba for a divorce. Jeremías puts a price on Lola. Columba asks Leona to stay aw...Read more

"Estoy dispuesto a morir"

April 6, 2023 • 42m

Leona bursts into tears in front of Josefa and reveals that someone tried to hurt her. Gael arrives at the place where his father ...Read more

"Arrepentirse de sus pecados"

April 7, 2023 • 42m

Ramsés lashes out at Columba and warns her that she will pay for her mistakes with suffering. Gael informs his children that he is...Read more

"Me voy a aprovechar de Gael"

April 10, 2023 • 43m

Gael tries to help Kika to stop drinking, she asks him not to divorce her mother. Columba asks Ramsés not to push her out of his l...Read more

"Voy a casarme con Gael"

April 11, 2023 • 42m

Gael tells David that he is ready to win Leona's heart. Benjamín wears women's clothes to prove that clothes have no gender, Clara...Read more

"Llegó la hora de romper tu vida"

April 12, 2023 • 42m

Apolo, Matías and Danilo surprise the Torrenegro family with their return but Ramsés kicks them out. Columba proposes to David to ...Read more

"Entre la vida y la muerte"

April 13, 2023 • 42m

Columba threatens Gael that she will not let him see his children if he continues with the idea of divorce. Ana Julia asks Calixto...Read more

"Remueves muchas cosas en mi corazón"

April 14, 2023 • 42m

Ramsés is certain that Apolo was to blame for his heart attack. Lola falls for Calixto's blackmail. Ana Julia tells Camila that sh...Read more

"Quiero que acabes con Leona Bravo"

April 17, 2023 • 42m

Clara complains to Leona for causing conflict with her family, Leona puts a stop to her. Columba arrives at the neighborhood to co...Read more

"No vas a ser feliz con nadie"

April 18, 2023 • 42m

Leona consoles Benjamín after he had an argument with his father. Apolo asks Josefa to open her eyes and let herself be carried aw...Read more

"¿Y si estás embarazada?"

April 19, 2023 • 42m

Columba asks Ramsés for help in order to hurt Gael. David, seeing that he lost Leona, makes an alliance with Columba. Flor arrives...Read more

"Me emocionaba la idea de ser mamá"

April 20, 2023 • 42m

Ramsés complains to Calixto for having one of Kika's friends as a lover and suspects that he is betraying him. Flor confronts Silv...Read more

"Siento que me muero"

April 21, 2023 • 42m

Gael is filled with feelings and reveals to Leona, Ana Julia and Benjamín that he could have had a happy family. Leona takes advan...Read more

"¡Cásate conmigo!"

April 24, 2023 • 42m

Columba assures Jeremías that he will only be paid if Leona dies. Jacinta asks David to hide his hatred when he is in front of Gae...Read more

"Vamos a impedir esa boda"

April 25, 2023 • 42m

Ana Julia and Benjamín offer Leona their help so she can find her children. Ramsés sees Benjamín in his house and insults him. Gae...Read more

"Leona Bravo de Torrenegro"

April 26, 2023 • 42m

Leona gets fed up with Columba's threats and lets her know that she will not stand by and watch her endanger her family. During th...Read more

"¿Estás dispuesto a ser nuestro aliado?"

April 27, 2023 • 42m

Narvi throws David into the pool with the intention of killing him, Leona confronts Narvi and he slips by the pool. Ramsés asks Co...Read more

"Quiero ser tu cómplice"

April 28, 2023 • 42m

Flor contacts Ramsés to inform him that Narvi is dead. Calixto asks Lola to pack because she is going with him to London. Gael cel...Read more

"Nos vamos a casar en este momento"

May 1, 2023 • 42m

Itzel reveals to Ana Julia that she is non-binary, Kika listens to her, mocks her, but Ana Julia slaps her. Apolo blames Ramsés fo...Read more

"Los declaro marido y mujer"

May 2, 2023 • 42m

Ramsés stops Columba from opposing Gael's wedding and tells her that Leona already knows about the business they are in. Kika thro...Read more

"Me cansé de rogarte"

May 3, 2023 • 42m

Camila tells Leona that she plans to divorce Calixto to win David's love. Benjamín learns that Gael had a son. Lola complains to C...Read more

"No puedo hacer el amor contigo"

May 4, 2023 • 42m

Columba starts kissing David, he imagines he is with Leona. Leona refuses to be intimate with Gael and discovers that there is a t...Read more

"Tu verdadero padre es Gael Torrenegro"

May 5, 2023 • 42m

Leona learns that she will have to team up with Columba and Calixto for Ramsés' business. Jeremías advises Benjamín to confront hi...Read more

"¡Leona es Marena Ramos!"

May 8, 2023 • 42m

Calixto breaks up with Lola and assures her that it is to protect her. The judge rules in Clara's favor so she will not lose her a...Read more

"Ya sé que eres Marena Ramos"

May 9, 2023 • 42m

David asks Benjamín not to judge his family since they hid the truth about his origin to save his life. Leona kicks Columba out of...Read more

"Te amo más que nunca"

May 10, 2023 • 42m

Leona complains to Gael for all the pain he has caused her, he asks her to understand that he is a victim of her father. Gael swea...Read more

"No me vas a quitar a mi hija"

May 11, 2023 • 42m

Romeo discovers that Jacinta is Lola's mother, he blackmails her but she slaps him. Ramsés tells Calixto that he has no more use f...Read more

"Yo soy su mamá"

May 12, 2023 • 42m

Ramsés makes Ana Julia believe that her father abandoned her. Leona thanks Camila for educating her daughter, but she needs to con...Read more

"No me digas hija"

May 15, 2023 • 42m

Leona asks Benjamín and Ana Julia not to reveal the truth as she fears for her life. Ana Julia receives a message informing her th...Read more

"Vas a ser la dueña de todo"

May 16, 2023 • 42m

Kika reveals to Oliver that Gael is also Ana Julia's father. Matías forgives Gael. Calixto reveals Ramsés' business to Lola. Camil...Read more

"Ya no eres nada para mí"

May 17, 2023 • 42m

Ana Julia reveals to Kika that Ramsés is a murderer. Gael, upon learning of Columba's infidelity, is determined to kick her out of...Read more

"Tiren a matar"

May 18, 2023 • 42m

Consuelo looks in the mirror after her surgery and bursts into tears. Josefa argues with Columba and throws her belongings out the...Read more

"No voy a tener piedad de él"

May 19, 2023 • 42m

Columba confirms to Ana Julia that she always hated her for being Marena's daughter. Kika rejects her mother. Calixto confronts Ra...Read more

"Estás cavando la tumba de los demás"

May 22, 2023 • 42m

Josefa reveals to Apolo that she divorced Ramsés. Leona complains to David for sleeping with Columba. Leona prepares herself and F...Read more

"Hasta nunca, Marena Ramos"

May 23, 2023 • 42m

Ana Julia complains to her family for not denouncing Ramsés as a human trafficker. Consuelo and Cristobal, upon learning that Itze...Read more

"Un hombre bueno está muerto"

May 24, 2023 • 42m

Kika files a complaint against Romeo for abusing her. Camila assures Clara that she loves David, she advises her to fight for her ...Read more

"Olvidarán lo que es tener paz"

May 25, 2023 • 42m

Josefa blames Leona for Apolo's death, she apologizes for what happened. Kika begs Ana Julia to return home. Josefa gathers the wh...Read more

"Tu vida está en mis manos"

May 26, 2023 • 42m

David assures Camila that he is willing to their relationship a chance. Kika apologizes to Ana Julia for how badly she behaved wit...Read more

"Pagar con la misma moneda"

May 29, 2023 • 42m

Ramsés contacts Leona and threatens to harm Josefa if she refuses to return all the money she took from him. Ana Julia promises th...Read more

"¿Te volverías a casar conmigo?"

May 30, 2023 • 42m

Ana Julia returns home and reveals to Leona and Gael that she met with Ramsés. Silvano explains to Lily what it is like to be a dr...Read more

"Amar a dos hombres al mismo tiempo"

May 31, 2023 • 42m

Ramsés suspects that the child Columba is expecting may also be David's, so he plans to do a paternity test. Leona and Ana Julia t...Read more

"¿Quieres casarte conmigo?"

June 1, 2023 • 42m

Ana Julia bursts into tears when she sees the video that Gael dedicated to her, but she is not ready to forgive him. Leona prevent...Read more

"Escogiste el camino del dolor"

June 2, 2023 • 42m

Itzel defends Benjamín from Ramsés, she tries to expose him on social media, but he manages to escape. Leona prepares the dress fo...Read more

"No me importa morir por mi hija"

June 5, 2023 • 42m

Calixto shoots Gael in order to take Ana Julia away from her party. Ramsés learns what happened to Ana Julia and wants Calixto's h...Read more

"Un beso de despedida"

June 6, 2023 • 42m

Leona, knowing that Calixto sold Ana Julia, shoots him, while Ramsés tortures him, but feeling that Leona does not trust him, he t...Read more

"Queda arrestado señor Torrenegro"

June 7, 2023 • 42m

Gael informs his family that he plans to turn himself in to the authorities for being Ramsés' accomplice, Leona asks him to recons...Read more

"¡Sean felices!"

June 8, 2023 • 42m

Leona takes advantage of Columba's carelessness to counterattack her, but she manages to escape when the police arrest Leona. Rams...Read more

"No necesito un hombre para ser feliz"

June 9, 2023 • 42m

Jeremías is beaten in jail and Gael comes to his defense. Clara apologizes to Leona for having judged her. Benjamín receives the n...Read more