Season 4 (2011)

Evel Genius

April 4, 2011 • 21m

Batter up with the Pawn Stars when an autographed photo of Babe Ruth slides into the shop. Will Rick go into extra innings for thi...Read more

Pablo Pawncasso

April 4, 2011 • 21m

Get revved up with the Pawn Stars as they check out a rare REO Flying Cloud hot rod from the 1930s. Will Rick muster the strength ...Read more

Sub for Sale

April 11, 2012 • 21m

The Pawn Stars prepare for battle when a one-man submarine surfaces at the shop. Will the guys journey deep down into their pocket...Read more

Missile Attack

April 11, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars take evasive action when a Cold War era heat-seeking missile guidance system locks onto the shop. Will the guys eng...Read more

Not On My Watch

April 18, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars become a house divided when a Confederate Civil War knife marches into the shop. Known as an "Arkansas Toothpick," ...Read more

Take a Seat

April 18, 2011 • 21m

Take a seat with the Pawn Stars as a chair from the U.S. Senate floor rolls through their doors. Will a motion to buy this chair r...Read more

Pom Pom Pawn

April 25, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars prepare to be boarded when a customer brings in a 1600's naval blunderbuss. A small weapon thought to be for a chil...Read more

Patton Pending

April 25, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars snap to attention as they check out a photo album signed by one of history's greatest military leaders - General Ge...Read more

Spidey Cents

May 2, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars call Houston with a problem when they are presented with a piece of the heat shield from NASA's most heroic flight ...Read more

Necessary Roughness

May 2, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars prepare for battle when a collection of secret plans from the WWII D-Day invasion marches into the shop. Will the g...Read more


May 9, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars reach for the sky when an 1890's Colt .45 "peacemaker" rides into the shop. Considered the ultimate cowboy gun, wil...Read more

The Great Escape

May 9, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars take the stage when a Harry Houdini straitjacket magically appears in the shop. Will the guys be tied up with a loc...Read more

Broadsiding Lincoln

May 30, 2011 • 21m

The hunt is on when the Pawn Stars are presented with one of the most sought after items in American history, a John Wilkes Booth ...Read more

Sharpe Shooters

June 1, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars hit the road to check out the forefather of modern machine guns, a Gatling Gun. Introduced during the Civil War, wi...Read more

Late Night Chum

June 6, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars mount up and charge the front lines when a Civil War cavalry jacket advances on the shop. Found among costumes dona...Read more

Buy the Book

June 6, 2011 • 21m

Go cruising with the Pawn Stars as they check out a classic 1932 Lincoln roadster. Exceptionally maintained, will Rick and the Old...Read more

Over the Top

June 13, 2011 • 21m

Run for cover with the Pawn Stars when a World War I helmet blasts into the shop. The first metal helmet used by U.S. forces, will...Read more

Honor Thy Father

June 13, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars declare their independence when a document signed by John Hancock comes into the shop. Will this famous Founding Fa...Read more

Making Cents

July 18, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars consider sending a search party out for Chumlee when he takes off to look at a 1950's Bally's coin operated kiddie ...Read more

Kings and McQueens

July 18, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars are blown away when a seller limps in with a 19th century shotgun disguised as a cane. Will Rick take a shot at buy...Read more

Face the Music

July 25, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars seek counsel when the business card of the infamous Old Western outlaw turned-lawyer John Wesley Hardin moseys into...Read more

Off the Wall

July 25, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars prepare to charge when a man brings in a Civil War musket once carried by an ancestor wounded in battle. Complete w...Read more

Buffalo Bull

August 1, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars hope to win by a landslide when President Ronald Reagan's high school yearbook comes into the shop. Complete with a...Read more

Cannons and Klingons

August 1, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars fire off to the shooting range to check out an antique signal cannon from the 1980's TV series Magnum P.I. Will the...Read more

Silent and Deadly

August 8, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars are on hallowed ground when a piece of marble from Abraham Lincoln's tomb enters the shop. Without any documentatio...Read more

Weird Science

August 8, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars travel to Utah for a rare shot at a 19th century Hotchkiss Revolving Cannon. A rapid-fire weapon used decisively in...Read more

The Wright Stuff

August 15, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars snap to attention when an 1830's percussion musket from West Point marches into the shop. One of only a couple hund...Read more

Out of Gas

August 15, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars are off to the races when a guy brings in a 2000 Porsche Carrera engine that has been recovered from a junkyard. Ca...Read more

The King's Bling

September 5, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars are presented with a necklace once owned by the King of Rock and Roll himself, Elvis Presley. Made of an entire pou...Read more

Pipe Dreams

September 5, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars hope to remain civil when a man brings Robert E. Lee's silver spoon and Ulysses S. Grant's meerschaum pipe. Can Ric...Read more

High Stakes

September 12, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars lock and load when a percussion pistol from the 1830s pops into the shop. A rare weapon known as a "man stopper," w...Read more

Pirate's Booty

September 12, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars find themselves sailing on strange tides when a street-legal pirate ship parade float cruises their way. Will Rick ...Read more

Teacher's Pet

September 19, 2011 • 21m

Look out below when the Pawn Stars set their aim on a World War II era bomb-sight. Used by U.S. bombers to direct their big-bang c...Read more

Bugs Money

September 19, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars get revved up when they check out a classic 1941 Indian motorcycle. A rare version made for military use, will this...Read more


September 26, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars march to a different beat when a customer presents them with a drum from the Civil War. Will Rick try to snare this...Read more

Poker Night

September 26, 2011 • 21m

It's a high stakes proposition when a man saddles up to the shop with a 19th century professional gambling set. Complete with knif...Read more

Rick or Treat

October 24, 2011 • 21m

The Pawn Stars are ready for Halloween when a 19th century vampire killing kit stakes out the shop. Complete with a gun and silver...Read more

The Pick, the Pawn, and the Polish

July 11, 2011 • 21m

Come party with the Pawn Stars as they prepare the ultimate gift for the Old Man's 70th birthday, a fully rebuilt 1957 Chevy 150. ...Read more