November 24, 2022 • 39m
Koh Afuk and Helen get married. They promise to make eachother happy. On the other hand, Amei refuses to accept Koh Afuk as her new father.
November 24, 2022 • 35m
Yadi and Ojak help Koh Afuk play matchmaker to soften Amei's heart. Meanwhile, Helen is bored at home. She joins Koh Afuk at the f...Read more
November 24, 2022 • 38m
Koh Afuk feels that Helen meddles too much with the pond's business, but Helen presents him with a sound argument for her case. Ko...Read more
November 24, 2022 • 36m
Koh Afuk searches for a way to stop Helen from going to the pond, but fails. Employees at the pond begin to adjust to the job desc...Read more
November 24, 2022 • 32m
Helen wants to start a tempe factory. Koh Afuk can't express his disagreement because he's trapped in a lie: that he dislikes temp...Read more
November 24, 2022 • 34m
Jaya Baru Tempe Factory is established. Yadi, Ojak and Naryo follow Helen to work at the tempe factory, while Samsul, Ipeh and Hab...Read more
November 24, 2022 • 35m
A number of fish suddenty die from the tempe factory's waste. On the other hand, the tempe's quality decreases because the soybean...Read more