February 19, 1988
Ben Elton Intro and stand-up: General election and politics (DVD:FNL) music Voice of the Beehive I Walk The Earth (Almost:1) Har...Read more
March 4, 1988
Episode 2 of Friday Night Live premiered on March 4, 1988
March 11, 1988
Episode 3 of Friday Night Live premiered on March 11, 1988
March 18, 1988
Ben Elton Intro and stand-up: Budget and end of Ronald Reagan (Almost:4) (DVD:FLEE) music The Primitives Crash (Almost:4) Harry ...Read more
March 25, 1988
Episode 5 of Friday Night Live premiered on March 25, 1988
April 1, 1988
Episode 6 of Friday Night Live premiered on April 1, 1988
April 8, 1988
Ben Elton Intro and stand-up: Nuclear deterrent (DVD:FNL) music Roachford Family Man Harry Enfield Stavros (character): Wins the...Read more
April 15, 1988
Episode 8 of Friday Night Live premiered on April 15, 1988
April 22, 1988
Episode 9 of Friday Night Live premiered on April 22, 1988
April 29, 1988
Ben Elton Intro and stand-up: Thatcher and the NHS (Almost:8) music Was (Not Was) Walk The Dinosaur (Almost:8) Harry Enfield Sta...Read more