April 4, 1983 • 25m
When Superbook falls onto a computer keyboard, Ruffles, a dog, is accidentally transported back into the ancient time of Abram, the patriarch.
April 11, 1983 • 25m
The time-travelers come across the city of Sodom, which is about to be destroyed because of its wickedness.
April 18, 1983 • 25m
The children again come across Abraham, Sarah, and a newly arrived son, named Isaac. Later, the children witness Abraham's nearly ...Read more
April 25, 1983 • 25m
The children travel to the Mesopotamian city of Nahor, where they witness a group of people seeking a suitable wife for Abraham's son, Isaac.
May 2, 1983 • 25m
The children witness the story of Jacob and his beloved son, Joseph, and how Joseph's jealous brothers sell Joseph into slavery in Egypt.
May 9, 1983 • 25m
The children travel to Pharaoh's palace in ancient Egypt where they see Joseph thrown into prison unjustly, only to later be relea...Read more
May 16, 1983 • 25m
The time-travelers witness how Joseph, governor of Egypt, successfully deals with famine in Egypt. Also, they witness how Joseph w...Read more
May 23, 1983 • 25m
The children experience how Joseph tests his brothers to determine whether they are repentant about selling Joseph into slavery years earlier.
May 30, 1983 • 25m
The children witness how Egypt no longer welcomes the children of Israel, and how the Israelites are now enslaved and treated brut...Read more
June 6, 1983 • 25m
The children witness Moses at the burning bush and Moses' demands to Pharaoh to let the Israelites out of bondage and out of Egypt.
June 13, 1983 • 25m
The time-travelers experience the many plagues sent upon Egypt to punish Pharaoh for not releasing the enslaved Israelites.
June 20, 1983 • 25m
The children witness how the Red Sea parted to provide the Israelites an escape from the Egyptians, and how the closing of the par...Read more
June 27, 1983 • 25m
The children experience a complaining group of Israelites, who are punished with poisonous snakes. But finally after 40 years, Is...Read more
July 4, 1983 • 25m
The time-travelers witness how Othniel conquers the Canaanite city of Debir because Caleb promised a daughter as a reward.
July 11, 1983 • 25m
The children witness Ehud's overthrow of King Eglon of Moab. A rebellion has erupted and the Israelites are fighting for their freedom
July 18, 1983 • 25m
In this action-filled episode, the Israelites defeat an invading Canaanite army who gets trapped in the mud.
July 25, 1983 • 25m
The time-travelers are in ancient Israel when Israel is in a state of war, led by a great but rash general names Jephthah.
August 1, 1983 • 25m
The children witness the story of Eli and Samuel in the city of Shiloh.
August 8, 1983 • 25m
The time-travelers nearly become involved in a war, and Israel demands that a king be established.
August 15, 1983 • 25m
The time-travelers meet a young boy named David, who skillfully uses musical instruments and weapons.
August 22, 1983 • 25m
The children witness the battle between David and Goliath, where the future of Israel as a nation rests upon the outcome.
August 29, 1983 • 25m
The children witness Saul's jealousy and hatred for David. Saul is determined to kill David, so David flees.
September 5, 1983 • 25m
David, who has an opportunity to take Saul's life, spares Saul. Finally, David is proclaimed King of Israel after Saul dies in battle.
September 12, 1983 • 25m
The children experience the dedication of the temple and King Solomon's great wisdom.
September 19, 1983 • 25m
The children almost experience death when Queen Athaliah decides to kill her "rivals" for the throne, but eventually, the Queen is...Read more
September 26, 1983 • 25m
The children find themselves in a country about to be invaded by the might Assyrian army. However, God intervenes and destroys the...Read more