May 9, 2021 • 20m
While Mikki is very excited by a new online purchase, Mo thinks she is taking lots of unnecessary risks and being reckless in the ...Read more
May 10, 2021 • 22m
Mikki and Mo have a new neighbour: a cool psychology streamer named Doc Daphne. Mikki is feeling very threatened, and it doesn't h...Read more
May 11, 2021 • 24m
Mikki is a bit addicted to her phone, trying to get likes and shares is ruling her life, and not in a good way. She has even start...Read more
May 12, 2021 • 21m
Mo is struggling with defining his identity: can he like more than one thing at a time? Meanwhile, Mikki needs to investigate what...Read more
May 13, 2021 • 23m
Office pet, Marjory Mofax, has been ill for a while. When her sudden death really upsets Mo, he gets a visit from the Sad Panda. M...Read more
May 14, 2021 • 25m
Mikki's cooler sister Doc Daphne is loving all things French and both Mikki and Mo are desperate to keep up. Mikki's psych senses ...Read more
May 15, 2021 • 22m
Mo signs Mikki up for a karaoke competition which sends her into an anxiety spiral. She just loves singing but - plot twist! - doe...Read more
May 16, 2021 • 21m
Mo has been ghosted by his gamer buds and he's pretty bummed out, but Mikki is too busy to understand, she's trying to put togethe...Read more
May 17, 2021 • 26m
Mikki is she having a crush on Mo? And "The Feels", a 60s doo whoop group, keeps popping up everywhere. What's that ...Read more
May 18, 2021 • 24m
Mo is finding it hard to get along with his mum, Mayor Pam Pamming, and everything she does annoys him. Mikki thinks she knows wha...Read more
May 19, 2021 • 23m
Mikki and Mo are having a great morning until Mo spills water on his pants and it looks like he's wet himself. Cue the SHAME PAPAR...Read more
May 20, 2021 • 22m
Mikki is having a great day until she arrives at her psychology practice and has a visit from an old toxic friend, Scarlett. Mikki...Read more
May 21, 2021 • 22m
Mikki and Mo are excited to play their first ever gig with their new band but the drummer has quit on the eve of the show. Mikki f...Read more
May 22, 2021 • 21m
Mo hates trying things for the first time but Mikki loves it. She really struggles to understand why he can't take the leap. I mea...Read more
May 23, 2021 • 20m
Not having clients is really getting Mikki down and she might have to give up her psychology practice. Can she learn how to be res...Read more