Season 1 (2005)


February 15, 2005 • 50m

An epic three billion year story begins, with the unravelling of clues as to how Europe's stunning landscapes and wildlife were cr...Read more

Ice Ages

February 22, 2005 • 50m

Over the past two million years Europe has been swept by waves of extreme climatic change. Two kilometre thick ice sheets carved t...Read more

Taming the Wild

March 1, 2005 • 50m

In the last 10,000 years Europe has been transformed from a largely forested, virgin landscape in to the manicured continent we kn...Read more

The New Millenium

March 8, 2005 • 50m

Today, some 730 million people live in Europe. How is wildlife adapting to this brave new world, who are the winners and losers, a...Read more