Study Guide (2019)

The Books of the New Testament

February 9, 2019 • 23m

The Bible did not fall from the sky, written in “Ye Olde English” with the words of Jesus in red print. It came through the story ...Read more

The World of Jesus and the Apostles

February 9, 2019 • 20m

If it had been up to a human strategist to plan the successful entry of God into history, it is unlikely he or she would have chos...Read more

The Life and Death of Jesus

February 9, 2019 • 25m

When we see Jesus announcing the kingdom of God, we also see him doing all kinds of things like healing people and celebrating wit...Read more

The Resurrection of Jesus

February 9, 2019 • 24m

The resurrection of Jesus surprised everyone in the ancient world. Even those who held a belief in some kind of afterlife did not ...Read more

The Ministry of the Apostle Paul

February 9, 2019 • 25m

Paul the apostle, the traveler, the Roman citizen, the letter writer, and the theologian is the one who invented something we can ...Read more

The Early Christians and the Church

February 9, 2019 • 23m

The early Christians believed in the one God. They believed in covenant and creation. They believed this had all come to a climax ...Read more

The Mission of the Church

February 9, 2019 • 26m

The church has always been a missional community. Wherever Christians have gone, they’ve taken their faith with them and shared th...Read more

The Creation of the New Testament

February 9, 2019 • 23m

When God gave people his Word, the Bible, he did not give them the finished puzzle. In a sense, he gave them the box filled with s...Read more

Suprised By Hope

February 9, 2019 • 1m

by NT Wright

Discussing Mere Christianity

February 9, 2019 • 4m

by Eric Metaxas

Divin Conspiracy

February 16, 2019 • 1m

by Dallas Willard & John Ortberg

The Mission of Jesus

February 9, 2019 • 2m

By Ray Vander Laan