October 6, 2000 • 30m
Chrétien Commercial: Canada's newest vacation destination: Club Fed Grande-Mere. Canada Customs Search: Canada Customs only has...Read more
October 6, 2000 • 30m
News From Away # 2: Jimmy and Shamus continue their look back at the summer of 2000. Their list of topics include, O'Canada sung i...Read more
October 13, 2000 • 30m
Wazzup, Chrétien?: Paul Martin calls Jean Chretien to see … wazzup!!? Jock McBile: Jock McBile rants about the renaming of Mt...Read more
October 20, 2000 • 30m
Chrétien Plans Election: Jean Chrétien sizes up his election competition with Sheila Copps. Stockwell Day Commercial 1: Stockw...Read more
October 27, 2000 • 30m
The Wendy Report: Wendy Mesley takes aim at the G-20 Summit, economist reacts to the Nortel plunge, Carlos Delgado re-signs, J.K. ...Read more
November 3, 2000 • 30m
News From Away: Jimmy and Shamus O'Toole report on the battle over MP Elsie Wayne's seat, Sault Ste. Marie robbery, Playstation 2,...Read more
November 10, 2000 • 30m
B.S. 2000 - Don Newman # 1: Don Newman serves as you federal election guide as he looks back at a time when Canadian politics was ...Read more
November 17, 2000 • 30m
All Aboard The Martin Express: Paul Martin's feet show their leadership qualities. Larry King Live - George Bush: Larry King giv...Read more
November 24, 2000 • 30m
Smokers' Commentray: Phil and Jerry's nicotine moment looks at racist politicians, Jean Chrétien on criminals, Alexa McDonough's ...Read more
December 1, 2000 • 30m
Cab Driver: Dave the cabbie comments on the movie Titanic, Mel Lastman's infidelity, CBC Chair's resignation, Robert Downey Jr., G...Read more
December 8, 2000 • 30m
Bush & Gore's Courtroom Battle: Bush and Gore go to court and face Judge Judy. Canadian Moment: The donut shop gang discuss Chri...Read more
December 31, 2000 • 30m
News From Away: New Year's Eve 2000: Jimmy & Shamus O'Toole look back at the news from 2000: the federal election, Stockwell Day, ...Read more
January 12, 2001 • 30m
Wendy Report: The Wendy Report targets Jean Chretien's birthday, Air Canada layoffs, Hell Angel's in Ontario, Mario Lemieux, Georg...Read more
January 19, 2001 • 30m
Chrétien and Martin - Bouchard Resignation: Paul Martin prays Jean Chretien will catch Bouchard fever and resign. Doctor On Win...Read more
January 26, 2001 • 30m
Stan's Internet Baby Service: Stan unveils his new web page, www.e-baby.com. Canadiens Sale: An American takeover leaves Montrea...Read more
February 2, 2001 • 30m
Chrétien & Clarkson: Throne Speech: The throne speech is true to form, totally incoherent. Chicken Cannon News: Reports on new ...Read more
February 9, 2001 • 30m
Dinner on Titanic: Dinner on the Titanic leaves everyone with an appetite for disaster. Ebert & One Fat Lady: Gourmet cook One F...Read more
February 16, 2001 • 30m
CTV Chrétien's China Trip: Lloyd Robertson, Canada's most articulate news anchor, interviews Jean Chrétien, Canada's most inarti...Read more
February 23, 2001 • 30m
Linda Sims & John Roth: Nortel changes its name to No Tell because there's no telling what will happen next. Saddam Speaks Out: ...Read more
March 2, 2001 • 30m
Canadian Moment: Air Farce's donut dunkers chew on high Alberta heating costs, B.C. earthquake, Britian's hoof and mouth disease, ...Read more
March 9, 2001 • 30m
Martin's Speech On The Economy: The economy leaves Paul Martin with a sinking feeling. ESL News: English As A Second Language ne...Read more
March 16, 2001 • 30m
Opening Credits & Wolfe: Plains of Abraham: From French explorer Jacques Cartier's foray into Canada to General Wolfe's adventures...Read more
March 23, 2001 • 30m
Manning Resigns: Preston Manning holds a press conference to announce his retirement from politics. Wendy Report: The Wendy Repo...Read more
April 8, 2001 • 30m
Chrétien Commercial: Canada's newest vacation destination: Club Fed Grande-Mere. Canada Customs Search: Canada Customs only has...Read more