October 2, 1998 • 30m
News From Away Jimmy and Seamus' news catch of the day includes Salman Rushdie, Ontario teachers, and Mark McGwire Mansbridge N...Read more
October 9, 1998 • 30m
Andy Scott's Denial Solicitor General Andy Scott gets a few denials off his chest Wendy Report Mike from Canmore helps Wendy ...Read more
October 16, 1998 • 30m
Arafat and Netanyahu Meet Middle East love connection, Yassar Arafat meets Benjamin Netanyahu Brenda the Bingo Lady Brenda th...Read more
October 23, 1998 • 30m
ESL News English As A Second Language News looks at Jean Chretien's baseball bat comment, Ben Johnson, Augusto Pinochet, Mary Ka...Read more
October 30, 1998 • 30m
Canadian Moment The donut shop regulars sink their teeth into Joe Clark, possible Reform-Conservative coalition, Newspaper takeo...Read more
November 13, 1998 • 30m
Chretien Conference Jean Chretien believes APEC stands for 'Always Pepperspray Every Complainer' Cirque de Celine Celine Dion...Read more
November 20, 1998 • 30m
New Conservative Leader Newly elected Conservative Party leader Joe Clark demands a recount Martha Stewart News Martha Stew...Read more
November 27, 1998 • 30m
Manning - United Alternative Preston Manning and Deborah Grey sing the blues to unite the right Canada A.M. Caffeine enrich...Read more
December 4, 1998 • 30m
Bouchard Press Conference Lucien Bouchard introduces his Minister of Winning Conditions, Bonhomme Referendum Holiday Church D...Read more
December 31, 1998 • 30m
News From Away Jimmy and Seamus O'Toole look back and laugh at the top stories making the news in 1998. Included on their humou...Read more
January 8, 1999 • 30m
Chretien Phones Clinton Jean Chretien phones in his support for Bill Clinton Beavertone News - The Olympics A bribery scand...Read more
January 15, 1999 • 30m
Air Canada Blackout An Air Canada spokesperson gives stranded customers the ultimate snow job Brenda The Bingo Lady Brenda ...Read more
January 22, 1999 • 30m
Clinton - State of the Union Bill Clinton's State of the Union Address, pop-up video style Beavertone News Child mauls rott...Read more
January 29, 1999 • 30m
Sunday Report Sunday Report with Wendy Mesley looks at the Pope in St. Louis, Hilary Clinton's new self-help book, Sprint long d...Read more
February 5, 1999 • 30m
Videopinion - Wiarton Willy Wiarton Willy's widow, Winnie, delivers her late husband's eulogy Smokers' Commentary Smokers ...Read more
February 12, 1999 • 30m
Downhill Chretien Not attending King Hussein's funeral makes Jean Chretien the newest dope on the slope Chicken Cannon News ...Read more