Series 7 (1991)


January 1, 1991 • 22m

Norika and George are on traffic duty. He failed to see the D.A.C. so didn't salute him. Brownlow's wife is giving grief about ...Read more

The Chase

January 3, 1991 • 22m

A man complains about his car being trashed. Norika goes to a service station which is being held-up by men with a machete. Ste...Read more

The Attack

January 8, 1991 • 22m

Cathy is on the beat and notices 2 men acting strangely. When she tries to arrest them, she is attacked. A black youth not invol...Read more

Crown V. Cooper

January 10, 1991 • 22m

Loxton is going to court with Garfield. One of the witnesses is giving them a hard time. Dashwood is also there griping about mi...Read more

The Girl Can't Help It

January 15, 1991 • 22m

A girl is missing and Reg is moaning about his mealtime being curtailed. Dave finds an incriminating notebook that indicates the ...Read more


January 17, 1991 • 22m

Roach and Carver put pressure on a defendant who postpones his appearance in court due to illness. Lines is on the trail of photoc...Read more


January 22, 1991 • 22m

Brownlow gives Conway a hard time about sick figures. Young is not feeling well and June thinks it could be stress related. Loxt...Read more


January 24, 1991 • 22m

Sgt. Maitland thinks there is a problem with a local pub landlord of the Overton Arms as well as drinking on duty. The prisoner m...Read more


January 29, 1991 • 22m

Stamp and Stringer come across a man and a woman struggling. Stamp grabs the woman who collapses. The man says he saw her wander...Read more

Fear or Favour

January 31, 1991 • 22m

Jasmine Allen Estate representatives are visiting the station. Tony and Delia walk the Estate and talk to one of the residents. ...Read more

Start To Finish

February 5, 1991 • 22m

Brownlow is having transport problems to get to a meeting. He helps at an accident. Tom Penny who now is security guard comes i...Read more

Night and Day

February 7, 1991 • 22m

Tony and Barry are stopped in the street by a man who says his flat has been burgled and the burglars are still on the premises. ...Read more


February 12, 1991 • 22m

Dashwood and Roach investigate a burglary at a scrapyard. Dashwood recognises the name of an ex-copper who knows Roach and Dashwo...Read more

In Chambers

February 14, 1991 • 22m

Greig gets the evidence for an arson case from the property officer and goes to a conference in chambers and parks in the wrong sp...Read more

Kids Don't Cry Anymore

February 19, 1991 • 22m

June sees a boy being bullied at a playground. On investigation she finds a lunch box with packets in it as well as a notebook wi...Read more

Too Many Chiefs

February 21, 1991 • 22m

After dropping off a girl at a children's home, Dave and Cathy get called back in for a potential suicide. The girl Dave brought ...Read more

Every Mother's Son

February 26, 1991 • 22m

June, Tony, Dave and Reg are doing an obbo. Dave and Reg are lost while the doctor is attacked. The doctor was called to a hoax ...Read more


February 28, 1991 • 22m

A man is murdered by a shotgun after talking to Dashwood. A man who has escaped from prison turns up in Dashwood's flat after he ...Read more

Closing The Net

March 5, 1991 • 22m

A young girl is approached by a man in a playground. Burnside thinks that they can't do anything until a crime is committed. tos...Read more

The Public Interest

March 7, 1991 • 22m

A man comes in to talk to someone in authority because an ex-employee is having sex with a 15 year old. CPS has thrown out June'...Read more

Photo Finish

March 12, 1991 • 22m

Datta is watching a pub when a youth is seen leaving with drugs. While reading a playboy in the boy's room, Garfield finds over £...Read more

Just Desserts

March 14, 1991 • 22m

burnside and Lines go for a lunchtime drink. Tony and George go to a building site where a self-employed tiler fell off the top ...Read more

832 Receiving

March 19, 1991 • 22m

June and Delia catch a girl who has stolen a purse. June suspects the mother of fraud. Delia goes back out and watches 3 youths...Read more

The Better Part Of Valour

March 21, 1991 • 22m

Burnside and Reed go to an accident involving a security van. Ted thinks it is an inside job. Ted finds a job application for a ...Read more

Double Or Quits

March 26, 1991 • 22m

Delia and Viv talk about a perpetual villain before they go to court. Viv's witness is having second thoughts. D.C.I. Reed gets ...Read more

We Could Be Heroes

March 28, 1991 • 22m

Tony and Dave rush an injured woman to hospital when the ambulance is delayed after an accident. They go to see the driver of the...Read more

Cold Turkey (1)

April 2, 1991 • 22m

Tony and Dave go to a sudden death. Monroe arrives and thinks it is a suspicious death. The man was a locum working at the docto...Read more

Cold Turkey (2)

April 4, 1991 • 22m

Dashwood talks to one of his snouts to find out the name of the man. June talks to the man on the phone after George left a phone...Read more

Now We're Motoring

April 9, 1991 • 22m

Reg helps a man tow away a car. The owner comes to complain about the towing. Reg comes across another towing. Lines talks to ...Read more

Dead Man's Boots

April 11, 1991 • 22m

Cryer tries to stop an elderly woman, who gave evidence as a witness in a murder trial, from being victimised on a council estate....Read more

Caught Napping

April 16, 1991 • 22m

The Metropolitan Police Serious Crimes Squad sweep into Sun Hill and commandeer the station's briefing room, setting a few noses o...Read more

Hammer To Fall

April 18, 1991 • 22m

In an attempt to end the rift between D.I. Burnside and D.S. Roach, D.C.I. Reid partners them together on a joint operation with the drugs squad.

Cry Havoc

April 23, 1991 • 22m

Quinnan and Stamp go to Whitegate Estate to arrest a man involved in a glassing the night before. When Peters tries to apprehend t...Read more

Rules Of Engagement

April 25, 1991 • 22m

Viv goes to a club. A bouncer is suspicious and when she goes outside to call in Burnside, he hits her over the back of the head....Read more

Delivery On Time

April 30, 1991 • 22m

Barry and Cathy are walking the beat when they are called to a burglary. Cathy and Barry are doing follow up calls when they are ...Read more

Black Monday

May 2, 1991 • 22m

Tosh's car gets towed. He catches a bus and see a man who is supposed to have died 5 years ago. Burnside thinks it is a windup. ...Read more

Jobs For The Boys

May 7, 1991 • 22m

Burnside investigates a break in at a cash and carry. Jim is suspicious of the security guard. Some meat as well as cash was tak...Read more

Without Consent

May 9, 1991 • 22m

A prostitute comes into the station to report a rape. Loxton tells her it is classed as non-payment of goods. June has problems ma...Read more

Saints and Martyrs

May 14, 1991 • 22m

June investigates a break in and thief of a pension book. June is told CPS won't be taking up her assault case so she brings a pr...Read more


May 16, 1991 • 22m

Reid takes over a joint surveillance operation. Burnside and Martella are asked to leave the flat they are observing from by the ...Read more

The Greater Good

May 21, 1991 • 22m

Tosh and Jim are watching a wrecking yard. A car is seen driven into the yard stolen from a man who runs a youth centre. Tosh th...Read more

The Best You Can Buy

May 23, 1991 • 22m

June's case goes to court. She gives evidence as does Tony who is questioned as to being prejudiced towards the defendant as is d...Read more


May 25, 1991 • 22m

Quinnan arrests 2 men in the underground because 1 has a knife. Sgt. Peters' wife gives him a ride to work. Brownlow, Conway a...Read more

Black Mark

May 30, 1991 • 22m

Dashwood talks to one of his snouts, who has been charged with stealing, on the way to court. The prisoner makes a complaint agai...Read more

The Right Thing To Do

June 4, 1991 • 22m

Lines and Carver go to a club where they find drugs in the band's jackets. The manager thinks it is very funny that a paper is in...Read more

The Harder They Fall

June 6, 1991 • 22m

Loxton is attacked after a break-in at a night club and helped by a cabbie who is a special constable. Loxton blacks out and can'...Read more

Something Personal

June 11, 1991 • 22m

Dashwood and Carver are driving along when they notice a man trying to break into a house. His girlfriend has overdosed. Dashwoo...Read more


June 13, 1991 • 22m

Burnside talks to the driver of a lorry who was hi-jacked. Martella raids the house of the snout who complained about Dashwood. ...Read more

With Intent

June 18, 1991 • 22m

Lines and Carver are going to court about a burglary case. CPS are reducing the charges against 2 of the defendants. Carver disc...Read more


June 20, 1991 • 22m

George and Phil are talking to a lady about fireworks through her letterbox when they see a purse snatching. CID are working on ...Read more

Careless Whispers

June 25, 1991 • 22m

Burnside arrests a man on suspicion of robbery with violence. Tosh and Carver get given wrong addresses. Burnside's suspect is i...Read more

Minimum Force

June 27, 1991 • 22m

Tony and George go to a burglary. The home owner caught the burglar and beat him up. The wife comes back and says the burglar wa...Read more


July 2, 1991 • 22m

WPC June Ackland finds a man stabbed in his car, and DC Lines' investigation into the incident are impeded by the victim's unhelpf...Read more


July 4, 1991 • 22m

The D.A.C talks about street robberies and taking the streets. D.C.I. Reid talks about her pilot project on street robberies. T...Read more

The Negotiator

July 9, 1991 • 22m

Reg chases a man with a shotgun into a shop. Reg tries talking the gunman, who held up the building society. into letting the ass...Read more


July 11, 1991 • 22m

Carver talks to his snout about a security job and gets a name for a burglary instead. Tosh had made a bet with Burnside about th...Read more

The Juggler and the Fortune Teller

July 16, 1991 • 22m

A court case is adjourned. Burnside and the defense council have an argument in the corridor. Viv goes back to the station to wa...Read more


July 18, 1991 • 22m

June is watching a p.e. class at a school before talking to them about theft and robbery. Loxton chases a boy who has stolen a l...Read more

Your Shout

July 23, 1991 • 22m

Cathy is spoken to by Brownlow about a promotion board. There is a possible child abduction and the mother is complaining they w...Read more


July 25, 1991 • 22m

Martella drives to a car fire to find a lady was trapped in the car. A man who tried to get the lady out of the car saw a man watching as he arrived.

The Corporal of Horse

July 30, 1991 • 22m

Cathy is acting Sgt. with C relief. She watches one of the relief drive away in an unmarked police car without wearing his tunic ...Read more

Cause and Effect

August 1, 1991 • 22m

Delia and Tony discuss the merits of follow up calls. They get a call out to research labs. Loxton finds a security guard on the floor.

Getting Involved

August 6, 1991 • 22m

Stamp talks to a man about paint stripper on his car - 2nd time in a month. Ron knows him. Reg and June are later called to an i...Read more

Benefit of the Doubt

August 8, 1991 • 22m

A barrister is arrested for GBH on a prostitute. He uses his phone call to ring D.A.C. Hicks. Brownlow is concerned about wrong...Read more


August 13, 1991 • 22m

Reg is in a pawn brokers when a man wearing a hat, scarf, and glasses leaves carrying a bike helmet leaving behind a bag with a gu...Read more

The Last Laugh

August 15, 1991 • 22m

Quinnan and Garfield respond to an armed robbery. Turns out to be a wind-up. There was a struggle and the informant got injured....Read more


August 20, 1991 • 22m

CID investigate a burglary of an O.A.P. who has an asthma attack. Stamp talks to a lady who turned away a man supposedly from the...Read more

Six of One

August 22, 1991 • 22m

P.C. Stringer chases a girl, on foot, who has stolen goods from a jewellers but P.C. Stamp arrests her because she was in a car. S...Read more

Married To The Job

August 27, 1991 • 22m

Stamp and Ackland go to a domestic. they also deal with a burglary of a pub. Tony's girlfriend has broken it off after talking t...Read more


August 29, 1991 • 22m

Reid goes to see the CPS about a case. She is late for a meeting with Meadows from the Murder Squad. A rape victim says the all...Read more

Stress Rules

September 3, 1991 • 22m

Brownlow comes back from a conference and wants to startan anti-stress program. A boy is stabbed and Young and Marshall investig...Read more

They Also Serve

September 5, 1991 • 22m

The relief is reserve troops for a demonstration. It is very boring waiting on waste ground. At a meal break, Delia, Norika and ...Read more

Inside Job

September 10, 1991 • 22m

A shop assistant is attacked and robbed of the week's takings by thieves on a motorcycle.

Bones of Contention

September 12, 1991 • 22m

Sgt. Cryer investigates when anonymous letters expose P.C. Stringer's affair, in police time, with a prisoner's wife. W.P.C. Datta...Read more

Wide Off The Mark

September 17, 1991 • 22m

A professional hired killer is active in Sun Hill. A dubious informant provides a tip-off that divides D.I. Burnside and D.S. Greig.

Hitting The Mark

September 19, 1991 • 22m

D.I. Burnside hunts for a hired killer to prevent him from making his next hit.

Bending The Rules

September 24, 1991 • 22m

A yob arrested for shoplifting turns out to be a respected police officer. D.I. Burnside unravels the story of the change in his behaviour.


September 26, 1991 • 22m

It's P.C. Garfield's birthday, but a party only adds to his money troubles.

Friday and Counting

October 1, 1991 • 22m

Hollis, a missing handbag, and a recluse police pensioner, all help to unravel a murder investigation.

Lest We Forget

October 3, 1991 • 22m

Ch. Supt. Brownlow is questioned by Yorkshire Police about his involvement in a murder enquiry seventeen years before that led to ...Read more


October 8, 1991 • 22m

AMIP investigates the murder of a teenager at a nightclub.


October 10, 1991 • 22m

A suspected violent break-in begins to suggest more clues about the house's occupants than anything else – especially as they are missing.

Out Of Order

October 15, 1991 • 22m

P.C. Young reaches out to W.P.C. Datta and, when she rejects his advances, he sexually assaults her.

Empire Building

October 17, 1991 • 22m

Duty Sgt. Cryer sets up a major operation to arrest defaulters on fine payments. Sgt. Peters accuses him of empire building.


November 22, 1991 • 22m

Following his interview about a wrongful conviction and allegations of corruption against a former colleague, Ch. Supt. Brownlow m...Read more

Losing It

October 24, 1991 • 22m

P.C. Young discovers a suicide and is deeply affected. Later, he visits Datta in the section house and attacks her.


October 29, 1991 • 22m

Sun Hill officers attend a firearms training course. When an armed villain is reported in a building, P.C. Loxton shoots.

The Square Peg

October 31, 1991 • 22m

Young goes missing on his beat. Monroe orders a search. Quinnan and Loxton find Young's body in his car. He has committed suicide ...Read more

A Question of Confidence

November 5, 1991 • 22m

Episode 89 of Series 7 premiered on November 5, 1991

Balls In The Air

November 7, 1991 • 22m

On his first day at Sun Hill, Sgt. Matthew Boyden's past life catches up with him. Boyden shows that he knows all the angles, and ...Read more

The Taste

November 12, 1991 • 22m

Smollett discovers he still has the taste for action.

Turning Back The Clock

November 14, 1991 • 22m

D.I. Burnside is determined to clear up a three-year-old case of robbery and murder when an old acquaintance is released from pris...Read more


November 19, 1991 • 22m

On his first day as Home Beat Officer, P.C. Smollett investigates the mugging of an old lady and discovers a rather unusual high-r...Read more

Chapter and Verse

November 21, 1991 • 22m

D.I. Burnside wants to question a man about a missing girl, but he is "drunk and incapable" in the custody suite and Sgt. Maitland...Read more

The Whole Truth

November 26, 1991 • 22m

W.P.C. Datta is in court to testify in a drink-driving trial, but the case is complicated by a mouthwash that the defendant claims to have taken.

Profit and Loss

November 28, 1991 • 22m

Sun Hill C.I.D. investigate a suspicious death.

Thicker Than Water

December 3, 1991 • 22m

P.C.s Loxton and Stringer are called to a domestic disturbance. The man found beating his wife turns out to be a P.C. from Stafford Row.

On The Take

December 5, 1991 • 22m

D.S. Roach is investigating an armed robbery. A series of unexplained tip-offs reveals the possibility that a D.S. at Sun Hill is ...Read more


December 10, 1991 • 22m

W.P.C. Ackland and P.C. Smollett deal with a possible case of wife battering. The alleged victim, the mother of a schizophrenic son, is uncooperative.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

December 12, 1991 • 22m

D.C.I. Reid tries to overcome the continuing clash of personalities with D.I. Burnside. D.S. Roach has problems when a juvenile pr...Read more


December 17, 1991 • 22m

Maitland and Monroe investigate a pornography racket. Marshall and Stamp look for a beggar who seduced a mentally disabled girl.

A Woman Scorned

December 19, 1991 • 22m

June and Ron call on a lady about her husband's dog who has dug up a skeleton in the garden. There is a new D. Supt. of the Murd...Read more

Vital Statistics

December 24, 1991 • 22m

A Relief is stung into action on discovering that their arrest rate is inferior to that of B Relief.

Decent People

December 26, 1991 • 22m

P.C. Quinnan works undercover on a building site to investigate the theft of kitchen units but finds himself in a compromising situation.


December 31, 1991 • 22m

On New Year's Eve, a learner driver backs into a prison van, allowing a dangerous prisoner to escape from custody.