Season 5 (1970)


January 1, 1970 • 30m

Elvis, a stick fetching, tree-climbing dog that just won't quit; dog scratches back on rocks; sliding on tube straight in the tree.

Water World

January 1, 1970 • 30m

Hippo underwater; overweight man tries to parasail; dog drinks from running H2O from pool; Sea-doo hits camera.

Smooth Sounds

January 1, 1970 • 30m

Dog likes to play piano; dog howls while girl plays the trumpet; baby with keyboard hitting head on wall.

Easily Amused

January 1, 1970 • 30m

Dog pulls bird in basket; Daisy plays with sprinkler; Holly the Pomeranian, dances

Furry Friends

January 1, 1970 • 30m

Dog plays patty cake and dead; dog balances yard stick on head; cat opening drawer.

Fun in the Outdoors

January 1, 1970 • 30m

Giraffe sticks head and tongue into car; 2 seats bicycle accident, loose 1 passenger; terriers attacking hose from pool.

Highs and Lows

January 1, 1970 • 30m

Schnauzer jumps over hurdle; two birds fighting beside a pond and fall in the water while still fighting; dog runs up keep falling...Read more

Feathered Fun

January 1, 1970 • 30m

Cardinal see's himself in mirror: looks for the other bird; dumb goat steps on goose's foot; ducks fighting; duck slips on ice.

Catch Me!

January 1, 1970 • 30m

Kitten chases himself; Ruby chasing tail; little dog chases tail after every time he eats.

The Swing of Things

January 1, 1970 • 30m

Dancing cockatoo; cat get the swing of things; opossum goes in circles.

Just for Kicks

January 1, 1970 • 30m

Dog sucks thumb; dog sitting in bowl; Pomeranian dog has itchy butt; cat climbs up side of TV.


January 1, 1970 • 30m

Cat falls off scratch post, kids yell out; lifting the garage, the wires got loose; dog climbs out of her pen.

Fashion Police

January 1, 1970 • 30m

Sebastian the red-nose dog-deer; cat with wig on; dog walks with booties on feet.

It's All Fun and Games

January 1, 1970 • 30m

Adventures of sockman & cat; boys falling from barrel; cat plays with plastic deer.

Little Known Sports Records

January 1, 1970 • 30m

Bird hops up and down like a pogo stick; dog spins man in chair; lawn chair ice sliding.